Page 5 of Meegan
“You know Duke’s friend, Olin?”
Meegan shook her head. “I know of him, but we’ve never met. Tech guy right?”
“Yeah. We’ve been doing all the fundraiser shit together.”
“Oh, right. You need me to casually pump the parents at Whippoorwill for some cash? They love a fucking fundraiser,” Meegan asked.
“Oh, I remember. No, this is more personal. He kinda needs a rent-a-girlfriend to get through the holidays. A couple of our IRL mutuals in politics are catching on to the fact that he keeps showing up single and now they are getting up in his business. He’s trying to throw them off his scent.”
“Why doesn’t he just hire an actual professional? Plenty of cuties on IG offering the girlfriend experience.”
“It’s complicated. Actually, no it isn’t. He’s just more comfortable with people he knows. Or people who know people he knows.”
“Okay,” Meegan shrugged. That was a fair enough response.
“He’s kinda shy and I think he just wanted my expert opinion. He wants to link up with someone who’s been vetted.”
“You are an expert,” she agreed, before she felt a smile spread out across her face. She couldn’t help herself. “Is he vanilla or is he a kinky freak like me?”
“Vanilla,” Xeni said with a firm nod. “Bummer, I know.”
“Eh, can’t win ’em all.”
“I just want to go on record as saying I hate that term. Vanilla is far from boring. Can we appreciate how important the vanilla bean is to the culinary experience?”
Meegan gave her a firm nod. “You are absolutely right. Let me rephrase that. Will I scare him with all the freaky shit I’m into?”
“Probably. But, I don’t think he wants that. He truly just needs a straight-up fake date. Someone to suffer through the small talk and look cute on his arm. And who’s cuter than you?”
“Ooh you know how flattery works on me. I do like a good roleplay situation. Pretending to be a tech bro’s boo for a few weeks could be a fun experiment.”
“That’s the spirit,” Xeni said, linking their arms together. They turned toward Keira and Daniel’s house and continued up the street. “I’ll give you his number. If it's too much of a pain in the ass, I’ll see if I can find someone else.”
“Sounds good.”
Moments later they were on the Song-Kenney porch, Meegan pressing the doorbell.
“Hurry up, Keira,” Xeni muttered. “It's Southern California freezing out here.” As she said the words, a chill ran through Meegan. She was wearing her favorite jean jacket. Fine for the temperature controlled atmosphere of her car, but not for the outdoors on a cool night like this. The door swung open and Keira greeted them with a warm smile.
“Happy after-Halloween! Come in.” They made their way inside, plying Keira with air kisses as they slipped by.
“Bitch, it’s November fourth,” Xeni laughed.
“I know, but we have so much leftover candy. I’m trying to get rid of it.”
“Is Shae coming tonight?” Xeni asked as they walked into the kitchen.
“Yeah. She’ll be here.”
“Nah, I’m saving room for whatever she brings.”
“Darn it.” Keira groaned, pushing the overflowing candy bowl to the far corner of the counter. Keira’s cousin Shae ran the best bakery in LA, Sweet Creams. Meegan inhaled whatever she brought to their TV nights, but that didn’t stop her from reaching around Xeni and grabbing a few mini Milky Ways from the top of the heaping pile.
“I thought you’d be sick of candy by now,” Keira laughed. “Your kids must have been swept up in Halloween madness all last week.”
“What’s this about Halloween madness?”
Meegan looked up as Keira’s husband walked into the kitchen. A lot had changed, but it was hard not to have a teeny tiny lingering crush on Daniel Song. They’d come into the BDSM scene together. The days and nights she’d spent with their “family” at The Club had been some of the best of Meegan’s young life. She played with plenty of other subs like Marcos and TK, spent time loaned out to other Doms, like her buddies Grant and Armando… and Shep. Things had been different with Daniel. He’d let her in at his lowest moments. And in hers? He refused to let their friendship slip, even a little.