Page 55 of Meegan
“I don’t wanna wait that long,” she laughed. “But, yeah. I can see kids later on.”
“I like that idea.”
Meegan sighed and leaned her head against Olin’s shoulder. She wished she could stop them, but the tears she’d been holding back started slipping down her cheeks. She was truly overwhelmed. She was glad Olin had decided to stay. He slipped his arm around her waist and held her closer, then reached up with his other hand and wiped the tears off of her face. Meegan knew she would never tire of the way he touched her.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Yeah. Just happy.”
“You are not alone.”
“I wanna go over our checklists, but we can do that tomorrow. You mentioned before that you’re going to do something nasty to my tits.”
“I did say that.”
Meegan sat up. She dabbed under her eyes one more time, laughing to herself at how silly she must look, eyes wet and a little red, while draped in diamonds. She loosened the tie on her wrap dress just a little. Her collar opened, exposing more of her cleavage and most of her royal blue lacy bra. She turned on the cushions so she was facing Olin, but he stopped Meegan before she could really get her tits out.
“There are a few more things I need to address before we do the nasty. Daniel said not to ask ‘daylight’ questions when you’re too horned up to think clearly.”
Meegan laughed. “I mean, I’m kinda horned up already, but you and Daniel are correct. You could use a pending orgasm to coerce something out of me at a later time and that, sir, is not cool. Please. What do you want to ask me?”
Olin turned to her, matching her posture. Their knees were touching.
“Every day this week, text me or call me with one of your fantasies. Doesn’t matter how simple or complex.”
“Oh, okay,” Meegan said, pleasantly surprised. “You have orders already.”
“Damn straight, I do.”
“What else do you have for me?” She didn’t mean for her voice to come out all horned up, as Olin would say, and her tone clearly had an affect on him. He dragged his teeth over his bottom lip as his gaze swept over her breasts.
“It was also mentioned that you liked being called a pet name. Do you?”
“I do.”
“I’ll have to think of a pet name for you. I like Kitten off the top of my head. You’re very cat-like when you’re turned on.”
“That could work. I’ll happily be your little puss-puss. And what do you want me to call you? We can still go with ‘Sir’. That’s a classic.”
“I was thinking about ‘Commissioner Gordon’, but we’ll save that for all the cosplay kink Keira mentioned.” Olin reached up and light ran the knuckle of his forefinger along her collarbone. She couldn’t stop the shiver that ran through her. “‘Sir’ works for now. We might try ‘Captain’ or ‘Maestro’ on for size another time.”
“Oooh,” Meegan snorted. “I like both of those. I like the way you think. Is there anything else?”
“You have that big mirror in your room, right?”
“Go into your room. Take off your bra and your underwear, but keep your dress on. Tie it back up. I want to unwrap you.”
Heat flashed all over Meegan’s body as she listened to his instructions. His voice may have been the same, flat and even toned, under control and seemingly unaffected, but he’d clearly given this some thought. He was ready for this and why wouldn’t he be? He might be new to the kink scene, but he wasn’t new to running things, being in charge, being in control. His wealth wasn’t inherited. It hadn’t appeared by magic overnight or by sitting back and waiting for someone else to say when. He’d worked for it and now he had people who still worked for him, who answered to him.
From the sound of things, Olin took care of his dad and his brothers. He’d spoiled her, too, but he was so normal and thoughtful, nothing pretentious about him, that she’d almost forgotten who he really was. Olin Breivik knew how to make moves. It was just a matter of him deciding what he wanted and, tonight, he wanted her.
When Meegan replied, she meant to sound a bit sassy, but her voice came out a little shaky. “Yes, Captain.”
“Set your favorite vibrator on the bed and wait for me.”
“Yes, Sir.”