Page 62 of Meegan
He reached down and tugged on his balls and, for just a moment, Meegan almost fainted. She needed to see this show in person, and soon. A performance where Olin had access to both hands and wasn’t using one to hold his phone steady. He went back to stroke his dick and soon, with a long exhale that sounded more like a “fuck”, Meegan watched the creamy white fill the tip of the condom.
If she didn’t tell him she loved him soon, she was going to burst.
Thursday morning, Olin flew to Las Vegas for a very quick trip with Michael. A new developer wanted Michael to invest in a hotel and Michael wanted Olin to come so they could get lunch at Chef Nana Williams’s new restaurant. They’d be back by four and Pam would be fine, sleeping most of the day away. Michael was heading straight back to Miami after, but it was nice to catch up with his friend, especially when Duke was on tour. It had been a while since their band had gotten together.
They met with Eric Parks, one the strangest men Olin had ever encountered. Eric had a distracting laugh and wore really cheap cologne that lodged itself in Olin’s sinuses the second they shook hands. Olin sat by silently while Eric pitched them on the idea of The Oasis, Vegas’s next luxury destination. Olin quickly declined to participate in the project when Eric tossed that ball in his direction. No way in hell was he giving Eric real American currency to play with, but Olin admired Michael’s kindness and enthusiasm as he let Eric and his team try to seduce him into investing in the magic of the strip. Olin listened, recognizing at least three red flags per minute as things went on. He made note of the biggest issues and then mentally checked out.
He thought of the picture Meegan had sent him last night before she’d gone to bed. Two of her fingers soaking wet, shoved deep in her pussy. They’d talked some more after he’d discarded the full condom in a nearby dumpster. He wanted her to come for him, but she said she wanted to make herself wait. Edging, she’d called it. He was so impressed with her own restraint that he didn’t push. Besides, he did need to get back on the road. She promised to send him proof that she had come before the night was over and she’d delivered on that promise.
On any other planet, he would have felt like an absolute pervert for pulling off the fucking highway to jerk off in a parking lot, but Meegan’s detailed account of what she wanted was more than he could handle in any normal, casual way. He’d been so hard, the tip of his cock leaking as she’d described fucking herself on a shoe he didn’t even own that he’d sure as fuck made a mental note to order a pair as soon as they said their goodnights.
More and more, he saw what she meant about opening up and the way things could go wrong, but all Olin wanted to do was sink further into her world. He neverknewhe could have a relationship like this. Meegan was sweet and funny. Her heart was so big and she was understanding. For a woman who had so many wants, some that extended all the way to nearly insatiable cravings, she’d been surprisingly patient with him. Or maybe not. Maybe that was just the way she moved through the world.
He’d been ecstatic when she’d agreed to wear his collar. He’d come across mention of it in his reading and asked Shep and Daniel about it over dinner. Both men considered their wedding rings to be a statement of ownership, though Daniel and Keira did have a small ceremony at the club, claiming each other, since they were both switches. Olin knew he was moving quickly, but he didn’t feel so bad when Daniel told him how quickly he and Keira had gotten engaged and Shep added that he and Claudia weren’t even a couple when they decided to get married. They just knew they wanted to be together. Olin wasn’t ready to pop that question yet. He wanted to get to know Meegan’s mom and he wanted her to spend time with his family. He was in no rush, but he knew she was the one.
She had plans to go to a show at Pantages the following night with her mom, and then Saturday, they were going to a gallery opening for Bette Beasley, a sculptor Duke was supporting. Since Duke couldn’t be there, Olin had offered to go in his stead months ago and had contributed some funds of his own to their patronage. He and Meegan planned to spend the rest of the weekend together and then it was back to work. The following weekend was all about her. The Whippoorwill staff party on Friday. On Sunday, a holiday cookie swap at her friend Sloan’s house. Saturday, they were going to The Club. Olin was already on the list as Meegan’s special guest.
He was a little anxious, he couldn't lie about that. He wanted to go. Meegan’s friends had been extremely welcoming and, of course, he’d be there with Meegan. After watching the video she’d made with Danial and Marcos, he had a sense of what they got up to there. Still, he wasn’t sure what to expect. He’d never been to a BDSM Christmas party before. He reminded himself not to worry. If he had any questions, he could ask Meegan or Daniel. It would be fine.
He blinked hard and forced himself to focus back on Eric’s ramblings about how he was destined to be the new king of Vegas, instead of looking at his phone. He wasn’t gonna give Eric a fucking dime, but he wasn’t rude. That didn’t stop him from wondering how Meegan was doing, though. It was still early in the school day, so he didn’t expect to hear from her until after he landed back at LAX. He hoped he could see her for at least an hour before she had to call it a night.
Fucking finally, the meeting ended.
“Thank you for having us,” Michael said as he stood and buttoned his jacket. Eric shook his hand and moved to shake Olin’s as well.
“If you think this is hospitality, you should see what I’ll do with The Oasis,” Eric replied, laughing at his own joke. A beautiful young woman who looked like she’d never been in on anything truly professional before in her life escorted them and Michael’s sometimes bodyguard, Branzo, back to the elevator. Michael thanked the young woman for her time and Olin gave her a silent nod of agreement. Olin realized just as the doors were closing that Eric had probably hired her just for this meeting because she was hot. Olin hoped she got away from him soon.
“I’m looking forward to your thoughts on this project,” Michael said, his lip quivering as he tried not to laugh. Olin looked over at him, his expression flat.
“You know what I’m going to say.”
“When we get to the restaurant, I’ll take your in-depth analysis,” Michael replied as Olin’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He was waiting to hear from Wes about whether his current boss was cool with him working from L.A. He glanced at the screen and saw three stacked texts from Meegan. He couldn’t see what they all said, but she clearly had something she wanted to share. Another text popped up before he could unlock his phone.
So hot.
Olin realized she’d taken a minute to text him her fantasy of the day. He waited until he and Michael were back in the car, driving toward Chef Nana’s before he checked the messages.
Afternoon, Commissioner.
Here’s what I was just thinking about on my lunch break.
You watch like 5 guys from the LA Kings fuck me.
Or like 5 guys in LA Kings jerseys.
5 guys in LA Kings jerseys over their dress shirts and ties and khakis
like how they dress on media day.
A little silly. A little intense.
All of my holes filled while two of them hold me down.
You watching from across the room.
So Hot.