Page 66 of Meegan
Olin swallowed, his head and his dick starting to throb a little. “We can do that.”
“Good. Thank you. And remember, if you wanna leave, we’ll leave. I’ve done this Christmas party a dozen times, but if it’s not your scene, we go.”
“God, I feel like such a jerk. I’ve been playing text-tag with Marcos for months, but we haven’t seen each other. I should have called him before tonight,” she said.
“Our car is waiting downstairs. Let’s get on the road and get you to Marcos so you can talk to him in person.”
“Right.” She let out a deep sigh, like there was something more on her mind. “Let’s do it.” She handed him the bags with the gifts and they headed out to the car and climbed into the warmth of the backseat.
Jeff waited until he heard both their seatbelts buckle before he pulled away from the curb. Traffic on the 10 was pretty typical for a Saturday night, but the drive wasn’t too bad. Meegan didn’t say much, just ran her fingers up and down Olin’s thigh as he mentally ran over all of the various D/s protocols he’d reviewed in the last two weeks, reminding himself that this was not a regular Christmas party.
He let out a few steady breaths and reminded himself to focus.
They arrived at a warehouse downtown, not far from the 4th Street Bridge. A valet stand stood near a wide but understated entrance that Olin wouldn’t have looked at twice if two large doormen and the three valets hadn’t been standing by. Olin helped Meegan out of the SUV as the valets instructed Jeff on where he could park and wait. Olin was paying him double to stay on until tomorrow morning, just in case. Meegan took Olin’s hand and led him toward the entrance. The doorman on the left broke out in a big smile and Meegan gasped.
“Hey Sam! It’s been forever.”
“May I?” the man asked. Olin realized a moment later that the doorman was talking to him.
“Uh, yes. By all means,” he replied, trying not to sound awkward. Sam stepped forward and pulled Meegan into a big hug, lifting her off the ground.
“We thought you’d dipped for good,” he said when he set her back down.
“Nah, just took some time for myself. This is myman, O.” Sam looked at Olin and then back to the pendant Meegan was showing off between her fingers.
“Oh shit. Okay, nice to meet you, O. I’m Sam. This is Chris.” He nodded to the other bouncer who nodded back in Olin’s direction. “If you need anything, especially since this one’s yours, you just let us know. She’s the VIP’s VIP.”
“Understood,” Olin replied. “Thank you.”
Meegan pulled a black card out of her purse and handed it to Sam. An updated membership card with “TC” surrounded by decorative filigree was embossed on it.
“Oh, this is crisp, crisp,” Sam laughed.
“Mistress Keira handed it to me herself last Monday.”
“What did I say? The VIPs VIP. You sent your Covid tests to the front desk?” Sam asked as he handed the card back.
“You’re good to go. You two enjoy your night.” Olin watched as Sam reached toward a panel embedded in the exterior brick and pressed a button. The large doors parted revealing a freight elevator. Olin took Meegan’s hand and led her inside.
“I should have asked. Is ‘O’ okay? I didn’t want to give up your name without asking, even if people do recognize you,” Meegan said as soon as the doors closed.
“Yeah, of course. O works just fine.”
It felt like they only went down a floor or two before the doors at the rear opened. They stepped into a waiting area, with ornate black on black wallpaper and matte sconces. Muffled Christmas music filled the space. A tall Asian woman in a black suit stood by along with a short, white, completely ripped dude who sat on a stool behind a lit podium.
“Meegan?!” the short guy said.
“Trent! You motherfucker, I thought you were dead,” she teased, clearly busting out an inside joke.
“Never. Couldn’t shake me off the face of this Earth.” Another round of introductions. The woman, Diamond, was new, and she confirmed that Miss Whelan and Mr. Breivik were on the list. Trent took the gifts they’d brought for the swap and handed them two raffle tickets before he ushered them through another set of doors where the music was much louder. Olin closed his eyes briefly, adjusting to the sound as they made their way down the corridor.
“The main stage is down here along with a handful of private play rooms with viewing boxes, the kitchens and the dining room. Upstairs are more playrooms, the gymnasium and the overnight suites,” Meegan said over the music.