Page 68 of Meegan
“I am, I promise. Olin’s being loving and fucking the hell out of me. It’s hard to have a bad day with him.”
Nilah looked over at him and offered a thumbs up and a firm nod of approval.
“Sit,” Armando said to Nilah suddenly. “I’ll be right back.”
Without hesitation, she snapped to attention and took a seat on the closest couch. Olin noticed she winced a bit and rolled to sit more on her hip and thigh than her ass. Maybe Armando had dealt out a harsh spanking before they arrived.
“Can we join her?” Meegan asked.
Olin nodded, trying to save his voice. He took a seat on the far end of the couch and pulled Meegan down so she was leaning against him. He wrapped his arm around her waist and tried to ground himself in the feeling of her soft body and that red lace. Armando was back a few minutes later with bottles of water for all of them. Olin took a sip of the cold water and tried not to think of how the night wasn’t going how he’d imagined it at all. It didn’t make sense. The Christmas party was in full swing with plenty of kinky shit happening around them. Another submissive was under a small table a few feet away, kissing her Mistress’s feet. Two men were hiking up the kilt of a third man to expose his ass. He couldn’t forget about the three little piggies trussed up behind them.
Olin hated to, but his body had already made the decision for him. He was starting to shut down. His senses were overwhelmed and he was still thinking about what Meegan had said about being depressed. The music kept pounding through the speakers. More people arrived and the conversations got louder and louder. Armando seemed like a good guy, but he didn’t seem interested in saying much either. He sat back and enjoyed the music, foot tapping and all, while Meegan and Nilah were talking. People came by to chat with them, wanting to meet the man who brought Meegan back home, but mostly they were interested in catching up with her.
Eventually, Armando ordered Nilah to the floor and pulled out his dick. Olin looked away on reflex. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see how Armando gripped her dark hair around his fist. He guided Nilah over his cock and told her to suck. She did, without hesitation.
Meegan turned and Olin felt her eyes on him. “Is this okay?” she asked.
He nodded. “Yeah.”
“They both like people to watch.” She kissed him on the cheek and went back to enjoying the show. Olin looked now, too, a tightness blooming in his chest, his erection growing in his pants. Would he do that with Meegan in a crowded room? She’d want him to. That was the whole point of them coming here, since being watched was the basis of almost everything she enjoyed sexually.You’re gonna have to pull it together, he told himself. And he would. He thought he could reach down with ease and find that slit in her bodysuit that she’d mentioned, but he couldn’t bring himself to move his hand from around her waist. Too much was happening. The best thing for him to do was sit still.
Later. Later when he could hear and think, he would make her come.
Some commotion by the entrance grabbed everyone’s attention and Olin turned to see Daniel and Keira making their way into the room. Meegan stood up and Olin forced his body to follow. He owed them both a lot, including a thank you for the invitation. He wouldn’t be rude, even if he felt like his head was auditioning for a role in Scanners. The part of his brain that was storing humor for later got a kick out of what Daniel and Keira were wearing.
They had on matching Christmas sweaters with Rudolph in the center, his red nose lit up. Daniel had a green and red elf’s hat on and khaki pants. Keira didn’t have any pants on, the sweater barely covering the juncture of her toned thighs. She had on white, calf high boot slipper things that made her look like she was turning in for a quiet night at home. She wore a headband that had a wired sprig of mistletoe dangling above her head. Keira stopped as they made their way, pointing at it and kissing people on the cheek like a queen greeting her subjects.
Finally the two of them made it over to the couch, where Nilah was still bent over Armando’s lap.
“That’s hot,” Keira chuckled as she carefully stepped around Nilah’s feet. She came over and kissed Meegan and Olin on the cheek. “I’m so glad you guys made it.”
“Thank you for having us,” Olin managed to say.
Daniel circled around and pulled him into a quick one-armed hug before thumping him lightly on the chest. “Now I have to upgrade to a diamond collar. Way to show us all up.”
“Just wait until you see the ring I pick out,” Olin said. His voice sounded like it was coming from somewhere outside of him.
“Keep this one,” Keira gushed at Meegan. “Keep this one forever.”
“I think I will.” Meegan flashed him an adoring smile. He gave her a little squeeze on the hip in response.
“We’re gonna do the gift exchange in, like, thirty seconds, but Olin, you want a tour after?” Keira asked.
“I’d love that. Thank you.”
“Great and, if it’s okay with you, I’d love to have access to Meegan tonight. It’s been a while. I miss her.”
“As long as that’s what she wants and I can watch, then yeah,” he said. The music was still so loud, but he pressed on. “Is that what you want, Kitten?” he asked.
Meegan nodded enthusiastically. “Keira and I have a lot of fun.”
“Then have some fun.”
“Let’s sit.” Keira flopped down next to Armando and kissed him on the cheek before lightly stroking Nilah’s cheek. She was still licking and sucking. Daniel sat beside Keira, leaving plenty of room on the long couch for Meegan to wedge herself back into Olin’s side.
Soon, the DJ introduced the arrival of Santa and Mrs. Claus, and their helper elves. The music switched to the Jackson Five’s version of “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”. Sure enough, a white Santa and an Asian Mrs. Claus walked out on the stage, waving merrily at the crowd. Two elves in green and red hats and microscopic gold shorts came out behind them. One carried a big fish bowl filled with raffle tickets. The other, Olin immediately recognized as Marcos, as he pushed a big pallet dolly loaded with a red present sack.
Marcos scanned the crowd with a big grin as he carefully guided the pallet next to the golden throne. Olin knew the exact moment he spotted Meegan because Marcos shrieked so loud that Olin could hear him over the music. He jumped off the stage and carefully weaved his way through the crowd, screeching the whole way. He made it to the couch and scooped Meegan up in his arms, tears lining his eyes.