Page 80 of Meegan
“I have no idea what’s going on,” Meegan told them nervously.
“Oh, you’ll see. Come on.” Nilah opened the door and ushered Meegan inside. She made it about two steps into the small sound stage and almost choked. A laugh of surprise burst out of her. Olin was there alright, standing in the middle of the room next to a large covered platform. He was in a crisp navy suit and a pair of deep tan Oxfords. He’d shaved off his three week old facial hair and his hair was perfectly styled back, away from his face. Her man looked so handsome, but it was also kind of hard to ignore everyone else in the room.
Daniel, Marcos, TK, Grant, and Shep were all there huddled around Olin. They were in LA Kings jerseys, black and silver and white, with their actual last names on the back, and all had dress shirts, ties and khakis underneath. Marcos had fucking hockey gloves and he was holding a hockey stick. Same with Shep.
Keira and Armando were there, too, in full referee get ups. In the corner, DJ Pussay Pop was waiting with their whole setup. Something with a pretty heavy beat was coming out of the speakers, but the volume was low enough to have an ambient effect. A throne that looked like it was hastily painted black was off to the side and the other side of the room had a mini set of bleachers, like you would see at a kids’ T-ball game, large enough to fit nine adults, max. Only one person was sitting there, a lanky, white blond guy in a black t-shirt and black jeans. She recognized Austin from The Club. He was their videographer and he had a camera on a shoulder mount, balanced on his knee.
Meegan took it all in, not sure what to say as Olin walked over to her. She cupped his face in her hands and gently kissed him on the lips. “Hi. You’ve been busy.”
“You mentioned you’d been interested in something like this,” he replied.
“Are they all gonna fuck me while you watch?” she whispered. She didn’t care that Claudia and Nilah were still standing close behind her. Olin was all she could focus on. His hands slid around her waist as he stepped a bit closer, the warmth of his touch seeping through her clothes.
“If that’s what you still want.”
“It is,” she managed to say. She had to marry this man. What other choice did she have? Olin took her gently by the elbow and handed her off Claudia.
“Come on,” she said. “Let’s get you ready.”
Meegan followed Claudia into the dressing room at the back of the sound stage, Nilah trailing behind them. It had a bench and a small couch, along with a makeup vanity, a clothing rack and a bathroom. Meegan started stripping out of her clothes.
“When this is over, you have to tell me how Olin got you guys involved.” she said with a wobbly laugh. The weight of what was about to happen finally started to settle on her.
“Olin and Daniel told Shep about the idea and he told me and I realized how much shit we miss out on,” Claudia said as she folded Meegan’s clothes for her and set them on the bench. “I’m fine sharing him in this context, and shit, this might be a gift I ask for myself in the future. We’ll see.”
“Just so we’re clear, Armando is not fucking you,” Nila said, blunt as usual. “Keira thought it would be fun to have him referee with her and I’m just here to watch.”
“Hey, I’m fine with that,” Meegan replied. “Olin’s reserved himself for me and me only.” She shed her bra and underwear, and took a quick glance at herself, completely naked in the vanity mirror.
“Oh, and Violet told us to tell you to have a blast,” Nilah said.
“Aww, damn. She’s missing this.” Violet got to enjoy the holidays with Grant and their two adorable boys, but she was back to work, producing a travel show in Germany. She wouldn’t be back for another three weeks.
“I’ll tell her all about it in detail. Here, Olin wants you to wear this.” Nilah produced a pink leather collar that had a cute bow-shaped tag on it. Meegan turned the tag over in her hand. It said KITTEN on one side and Property of Mr. O on the other. It was exactly what she wanted.
Claudia helped take off her diamond necklace and dropped it in a little Tiffany pouch. Then, Nilah helped secure the collar around her neck.
“The leash is the last bit,” Nilah said. “But we don’t go until you’re ready.” Meegan closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then another and sunk to her knees. Another deep breath. So much was about to happen. She had to allow herself to fall deep into submission to truly enjoy this, until she was a boneless, sobbing mess. She wanted to be filled and used up beyond the capacity of one single man and she wanted Olin to watch.
“Okay. Let’s go.”
Meegan tilted her head to the side a bit, so Nilah could attach the leash to the collar. When she was down on all fours, Nilah opened the door and Claudia led her to the main room. As soon as her hands touched the cool floor, the DJ changed the music. It was still quiet enough not to be distracting, but Meegan couldn’t hold back a little chuckle when she heard the all-too familiar lyrics “Ya’ll ready for this?!” Jock Jams. An eternal classic.
All humor died on her lips when she lifted her head just enough to see what was waiting for her. Six men, hard and ready for her. Shep and Marcos had ditched the sticks and the gloves a short distance from the platform and they already had their dicks out, stroking themselves between the parted fabric of their unzipped khakis. Olin was standing apart from the rest of the men, by the large black chair. Meegan caught sight of the obvious impression of his erection in his dress pants.
She swallowed, letting her gaze drop to the floor. Claudia led her to Olin and handed off the leash. Meegan looked down at his beautiful shoes and fought the urge to rub her cheek against them. At the last second, she changed her mind and did just that. The feel of the collar’s expensive leather biting into her neck sent a fresh rush of arousal flooding her pussy.
“Good girl, Kitten,” Olin said. “Kneel for me.”
She sat up, a shiver rushing through her at the confidence in her Dom’s voice. He lifted her chin with two fingers and looked down at her with his soft brown eyes.
“The boys are gonna have some fun with you and then you and I are gonna have some fun of our own. Is that what you want?”
“Yes, Sir,” Meegan whimpered.
“Tell the boys so they can hear you.”