Page 113 of Deeper
Our night continues, and Rylan pulls back into herself. The change-of-locations conversation distracted her from her somber mood for a little while, but with each minute that passes, Rylan gets a little quieter, slightly more detached. I can’t put my finger on it, but something is up with her.
Day turns into night, and the bar fills with people about the time we call it a night. Tatum holds on to Rylan and cries when they say good-bye even though they’ll see each other again before we go our separate directions. With all three of us on the road, we’ll probably see Tatum a lot more than if she were here.
Rylan and I go back to her place, and she gets even quieter. I take a shower, and she’s asleep before I get out.
Part of me wonders if she’s anxious about her decision to leave with me. Despite what we’ve been through, it’s true that we haven’t known each other that long, and we’re not only moving in together, but also taking off on a wild adventure. It’s quick. It’s rash, but it’s us.
I think Rylan sees that, too, but maybe she has doubts. I get into bed beside her and pull her into my arms. Her breathing is slow and heavy. Her hair frames her face, and a few wild pieces rest in front of her closed eyes. The palms of my hands move over her curves. Her skin is soft against my rough hands. I fall asleep, thinking about tomorrow and all the days after with the woman in my arms.
Sound. Asleep.
Knocked out until morning.
The sun is harsh when I open my eyes. The aroma of lavender surrounds me. It smells like Rylan. My hand glides against the sheets to pull her closer to me, but I reach the edge of the bed with no luck. I turn my face, looking for her, but she’s gone. Brushing the sleep from my eyes, I get up to investigate.
She isn’t here.
Something inside me tells me exactly where to find her.