Page 19 of Deeper
I had clear instructions—torture Number Five before killing him and orchestrate the body’s reveal. Every one of my synapses fired immediately during this new experience. His blood staining the tarp, his eyes glassy from pain, and him screaming through the gag were all part of the dance. I was in complete control over another human being, and it made my cock hard. It was the ultimate foreplay. My dick could’ve shot bullets.
I’ve always liked what I do, and I’m good at it. Murder has never kept me up a night or haunted me. But it’s never turned me on before, which is interesting and disturbing all at the same time. I’m trying to figure out which one of the two has more weight when my fourth victim comes into view.
Number Four—a trust-fund yuppie with an unused business degree from Yale—spends a lot of time running in East Rock Park. He’s here every day, and even though I’ve been trailing him for days, I haven’t learned anything interesting about him. He emerges from his home around noon, goes to the gym, comes here to East Rock for a run, and then returns home. After, he goes out with his buddies for drinks and brings a different girl home with him each night.
The string of women makes my job more difficult. He’s rarely home alone. There is a very small window between when he puts his conquest of the night into a car service and then heads to the gym. I’ve been stalking every move he makes more closely because I might have to get more creative with this guy. I just need an opportunity where he’s alone or I can grab him without making a scene.
I. Am. A. Killer.
At least, on this job, I am.
I recently spent time down in Florida, where I was essentially a babysitter, but even that contract didn’t end without blood on my hands. I do everything from security to very specific contract jobs. Either way, I’m the guy you call when you’re not taking the socially acceptable ways of handling a problem.
I almost turned this job down though. For one, all of our communication has gone through a third party—a contact I’ve worked for several times before. I’ve had no face-to-face or one-on-one communication with the actual client. And, two, this client has a number of demands that makes things more difficult. Normally, if I’m contracted for a job like this one, I like to get in and get out in the quickest and cleanest way possible. The theatrics of this job might concern me, but straying from my norm is bringing about an electrifying charge. I’m now thankful I didn’t blow it off.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see her, and everything about her takes my focus off Number Four. Rylan sits in the shadows of an arch of the monument on top of the hill. A notebook sits in her lap, but her attention seems to be off in the distance somewhere. Her long hair blows in every direction from the heavy wind. I’ve been on edge since she left me chained in that fucking room. My balls have ached for two days. I was fucking livid when the doorman came to unchain me, but it didn’t matter. I can’t get her out of my head. She’s a fucking firecracker, and I want her more now than I did before her little stunt.
I don’t think she even realized it, but she moaned my name while grinding against that fucking vibrator. It was me she was calling out to as she came. That image of her has taken over my thoughts late at night. I won’t rest until she’s calling my name because it’s my cock inside her. I’m charging in her direction before I’ve even instructed my feet to move. Her twisted, hard-to-get games have my body on one track, and it wants me to pay her back for leaving me high and dry.
“It’s a good thing we’re in public, Little Bird. After the way you left the other night, I’ve done nothing but fantasize about all the ways I can teach you a lesson,” I speak into her ear from behind with my hands tightly gripping her waist.
She jumps but quickly calms when she connects the dots. “I don’t think we know each other well enough for nicknames.”
“I don’t know you well enough for a nickname but well enough to watch you come?”
“You met me in that club. You’re not the only one there who has seen me get off. Sex isn’t that personal for me. So, don’t flatter yourself.”
I sit in the arch next to her. Her sight remains forward while mine lands on her.
“Then, what’s with the head games?”
“They’re not head games. They’re sex games, and there’s a difference. Do you still want me?”
“Do you just want to hear me say it? I want you. It’s no longer a matter of want. The only question is, When?”
She rolls her eyes at me.
“That caveman talk is what put you in those chains. At times, I’ll crave being dominated sexually, but no one will control me outside of sex. You needed to really understand that. Besides, after my little stunt, if I let you into my panties, it will be that much better.”
“So, you get all the control, and the people who fuck you get nothing?”
She finally turns to look at me as her bottom lip twists between her teeth. “No, it’s about mutual understanding and communication. You are already thinking up my dirty payback, and the idea of giving you control after making you wait is hot.”
All I heard was the part about giving me the control. She’s right, though. Her little stunt did crank up the sexual tension between us. I can barely sit here with her without wanting to fuck her. The charge for public indecency would be worth it.
“But I dictate who gets my body and how. I decide whom I give that control to and when. If I choose to, I decide if I keep that power. Not anyone else. Sex is about freedom to me, and I won’t bend on that. Are we clear?”
“You are seriously like no one I’ve ever met, Little Bird.”
“I need your words. Are we on the same page?”
“Caveman shit, bad. Mutual understanding shit, good. I got it.”
She rises from the arch, and my eyes zero in on her tits. They’re big and round, and they look even better with my cum spread all over them. My cock twitches with the memory of the sight.
“Meet me at the club on Tuesday. Callen, you’ll have the control that night, so you’d better use it wisely.”
Two more nights, and she’s all mine.
She walks away, and I realize I completely forgot about Number Four. My head turns from left to right in search of him, but he’s gone. Fuck, if I hurry, I can probably catch him at his house before he heads out for the night.
This girl and her voodoo sex pull are fucking with my life.
My plan, Tuesday night, just got even more intense for her.
I’ll enjoy every second of demanding that she cave to my will, no matter what her sex rules say.