Page 11 of His Valentine Spice
“Get him the hell out of here, and in case you were wondering,” I state, the first part towards one of my security guards, the second to Prescott, “you’ll never work in this town again. With or without the merger.”
“We’ll damn well see to that,” Jeremy agrees while the guard pushes the creep out of the space and towards the main doors. There’s a hallway full of people and I turn, wrapping Gabi up in my hold while Dani heads to Jeremy.
“Uh, something you forgot to mention boss?” Shawn asks from the doorway, his eyes bouncing back and forth between me and Gabi, and Jeremy and Dani. He’s the head of HR and clearly confused as to which woman is Dani.
“Shawn, this is Gabi,” I state, dropping a kiss onto her forehead. “She’s Dani’s twin and my wife.”
“And Dani’s mine,” Jeremy adds, his eyes narrowing on Dani who looks a little green. “You okay, sweetness?”
“She was feeling a bit off, so we came back early,” Gabi says, a grin on her face as she looks at Dani, and Jeremy’s brow lifts, a smile hitting his.
“You making me a daddy, sweetness?” he questions, her smile answer enough it seems, and before I can stop it, he kisses my assistant like it’s their wedding all over again.
Gabi giggles softly, turning further in my hold and I lift a brow at her as she hands me something.
I look down at my hand and there’s a single word on the little screen. Pregnant.
“You two really do like doing things at the same time, don’t you, beautiful?” I tease her when she gives me a nod, telling me it’s hers. I figured she wouldn’t be handing her sister’s pregnancy test to me, but I never quite know with my wife. I’m still learning all her little quirks and loving every single one of them.
“Always—well, except for college and office jobs at least,” Gabi says with a shrug.
“So, how long do I get to keep you around for?” I ask Dani when Jeremy finally lets her up to breathe.
“Well, I did kind of promise Jeremy I’d quit when I found out we were pregnant,” she says, giving me an apologetic look.
“Will you at least let her find someone to replace her and help train them before you lock her away in your house with you?” I ask my friend.
“I suppose so,” he states, his brow lifting when Dani shakes her head no, shocking us both.
“Is that a no, you’re not leaving or a no, you’re not staying?” I ask as she texts someone.
“It’s an I already found my replacement and have been training them the last two weeks,” Dani answers, drawing a full out laugh from Gabi.
“Seriously, only you could pull this one off, but you might have consulted me before you hired someone to work with my husband,” Gabi adds with a huffy little tone.
“You worried there, Sis?” Dani teases her, making Gabi’s lips purse, and I my cock wakes hard and fast at the sight.
“No, but that’s not why you aren’t happy he’s decided to stop representing women going through divorces,” Gabi retorts, and I press a kiss to her temple while Dani gives her a smile that says she’s up to something.
“Excuse me,” a voice says from behind the group gathered in the doorway, and Gabi’s brow lifts comically as a man, likely around their age moves into the space as others part for him. “You wanted to see me, Mrs. Prince?”
“It’s just Dani, Samuel,” she states, smiling as Jeremy gives the guy a glare. “Oliver, this is Samuel, he’ll be taking my place.”
“With your approval of course,” Samuel adds, glancing towards me and Gabi.
“You’re hired,” Gabi answers for me, and I shrug, certain if Dani chose him, he’ll work out just fine, and if my wife doesn’t have any concerns, neither do I.
“Welcome, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at eight a.m. Right now, I have something I need to show my wife,” I state, putting a grin on her face. The look in her eyes says she’s certain that it’s my dick, and it will be, after a quick stop.
It takes another twenty minutes to get out of the office after the questions and congratulations for both Gabi and I, as well as the ones to Dani. Gabi’s hand drifts towards my lap and I catch it, lifting it to my mouth with a kiss, putting a little pout on her lips.
“After,” I promise her, kissing the pout away at a red light.
“Why are we headed towards Dani and Jeremy’s for? You know they’re not going to want to see us there right now,” Gabi says ten minutes later as I turn into his neighborhood.
I don’t answer, instead, I pull into a driveway just down the street from Jeremy’s familial home. The one in front of us is newer, more modern, and as of this morning—ours.
“What is this?” Gabi asks when I unbuckle her seatbelt, heading around to help her out of the car. She’s wearing those heels that I love again, and I wrap an arm around her waist, moving us through the front door, making her jaw drop. “Oliver!”