Page 35 of The Broker
Then a piercing scream tears through the house.
Angelica had a nightmare. The two of us burst into her room to find her sitting in her bed, tears streaming down her cheeks. “They were mean to me,” she sobs. “They told me I didn’t belong. And the teacher laughed at me.”
Dante’s lips tighten. “You’re not in that school any longer,” he says. “And if someone’s being mean to you, kitten, tell me, and I’ll punch them in the nose.”
Angelica giggles. “You can’t punch people, Uncle Dante,” she says. “Hitting’s not allowed.” She gives me her most adorable look. “Will you read me a story, Mama?” She pats her bed. “You listen too, Uncle Dante.”
This is more of her matchmaking. I’d call her on it, but it’s obvious her nightmare really bothered her. We settle on either side of her, and I read her a story. And when she’s asleep again, we tiptoe out of her bedroom.
“Valentina.” Dante runs his hands through his hair. “We should talk.”
His words echo through me, over and over, like a stuck record.
She’s not you.
That’s why I’m never going to see Lara again. That’s why I never see any of those damned women again.
Because none of themare you.
Dante hasn’t dated anyone seriously in. . . I don’t even remember how long. Forever.
Because of me?
But that can’t be. That’s crazy.
My body sizzles with remembered heat, and my mind spins in confusion. Talking is the last thing I want to do right now. Avoidance sounds like a much better strategy. “It’s late,” I blurt out, avoiding his gaze. “I should get to bed. Good night, Dante.”
I dart into my bedroom and shut the door. I hear him on the other side for a long minute before he climbs back to his bedroom.
Sleep is a very long time coming.
Rosa calls me at noon the next day. “Hey, I just wanted to give you a heads-up. Evidently, we’re going to a fancy restaurant with a dress code.” She sounds mildly exasperated. “Wear a cocktail dress.”
Shit. Itotallyforgot about the double date. After the events of last night, can you blame me? “Umm, Rosa. . .” I begin, not sure how to proceed.
“Tell me you’re not bailing, Valentina.”
Dante isn’t even home. He was gone by the time I woke up. Angelica, propped in front of the TV with a bowl of sugary cereal, told me he was going to work. “He said to tell you he’ll be back before dinner.”
I heave a sigh in response to Rosa’s question. “Can I?”
“No,” she replies instantly. Then her voice softens. “When we talked last weekend, you seemed really determined to try dating again. Is your change of heart because of Enzo? Valentina, I don’t think—”
“What? No.” It’s because Dante kissed me yesterday. He haunted my dreams all night long. His words still ring in my ears.Because none of them are you.
“It’s just drinks and dinner. Do you even own a cocktail dress, by the way? Apart from that black dress I made you three years ago.”
The black dress that Rosa’s so dismissive of is hanging in my closet back home. I didn’t pack it; why would I? “Nope.”
“I figured. Come over early. You can borrow something of mine.”
“Thank you.” Rosa is a fashion designer, and her wardrobe is the stuff of dreams. She always looks amazing. I make one last-ditch attempt at getting out of the date. “But we’re not the same size.”