Page 77 of The Fixer
I take a deep breath. For a moment, I rage at the choice I’m going to have to make. If there was any fairness in this world, Romeo Santini would die. But I’m going to be forced to let him go. Not because Ciro insists on collecting his favor but because they are right. War is a thing to be avoided at all costs.
And then Rosa’s face pops up in my mind, her voice in my ear.I love you, Leo, and I trust you.
After that, it’s easy to let it go. I leave my anger, my fear, and my trauma behind in that conference room. Because no matter what happens to Romeo Santini, I’m marrying Rosa in five days. And that’s the only thing that really matters.
I get to my feet and stare down at Max Guerra. “Your welcome in our city is revoked,” I say coldly. “And if I see either you or Romeo Santini in Venice again, you’re dead men.”
Guerra’s head snaps toward Antonio. The padrino gives him a bland look in return. “You heard Leo,” he says, also getting to his feet. “Take Santiniand leave. And Ciro? Consider all favors owed to you repaid.”
Rosa is in her boutique.I tried to insist she stay at home this week, but she was having none of it. “I have a business to run, Leo,” she said, my stubborn principessa. “And a collection to design. Besides, there is nothing wrong with me.”
I nod in greeting to Annalisa and turn to my soon-to-be-wife. Less than a week, and we’ll be married.I cannot wait.“Can you step away for an hour?”
“Yes, why?”
I wink. “It’s a surprise. You’ll find out soon enough.”
“You know how I feel about surprises,” she says, trying to frown and failing miserably.
“You love them?” I tease.
“I do,” she admits sheepishly. “Where are we going?”
“Nice try, principessa.”
I take her to the beach, of course. We walk along the water edge until we find a quiet spot. Then I take her hand. “When I proposed to you the first time, I didn’t want to get married,” I say quietly. “AfterPatrizia’s death, I was afraid of love. Of finding it again, of losing it. I was sure I could keep you at arms’ length.” I smile wryly.What a fool I’d been.“But the problem wasn’t that I didn’t care; it was that I was afraid to. I told you that this was a business arrangement and nothing else. I even lied and said that I wasn’t interested in you.”
“I remember,” she whispers.
“I was wrong.” I slide the ring off her finger and get down on one knee. “Rosa Tran, I love you. You make me smile every single day, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I promise that no one will work harder to make you happy than I will, and no one will cherish you as much as I do. Will you marry me?”
A tear slides down her cheek. I wait for her to respond, more nervous than I’ve ever been in my life. I don’t have to wait long. “Yes,” she says, a wide and happy smile breaking out on her face. “Yes, yes, yes.”
I slip the ring on her finger once again. But this time it’s real, not pretend. And this time, it’s forever.
The day of our wedding dawns bright and clear. Rosa’s father insists on taking me out for breakfast. We end up at an English-style pub. “It’s a family tradition,” he says over a pint. “Elaine’s dad took me to breakfast on the morning of my wedding. Told me what to expect on the wedding night.”
I nearly choke on my beer.
Ben digs into his plate of eggs and bacon with relish. “I better get started, I guess. When a man and a woman love each other very much?—”
Oh God. He’s not serious, is he? He doesn’t actually think Rosa and I have been celibate all this time? Then again, she’s hisdaughter.If he chooses tobury his head in the sand, I can’t say I blame him. “Ben, I’m begging you, please stop talking.”
He gives me a long look. “Leo, are you implying that you and Rosa already have. . . ” Then he dissolves into helpless laughter. “Your face,” he chokes out. “You should have seen your face.”
It takes a minute for my heartbeat to return to normal. “Haha,” I say sourly. “Very funny, Ben. Positively hilarious.” Okay, it was pretty funny. He totally had me convinced. “I know where Rosa gets her acting skills from,” I tell him with a grin, clinking my beer against his. “And her sense of humor.”
We talk about cars after that. Ander’s garage, the Bugatti he’s working on, how difficult it can be to find parts. The conversation moves on from there to their upcoming trip to Hanoi this winter, the number of tourists in Venice, and how nice the weather is today. We’re just getting to leave when Ben says, “We never did thank you, Elaine and I, for saving Hugh’s life.”
I stiffen. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Ben fixes me with a look. “Leo, I’m not an idiot. Banks don’t give cars as bonuses to entry-level employees. My daughter never mentions a boyfriend,then you show up. Suddenly she’s engaged, and the two of you are getting married in a month. And we all have to leave Lecce within the week?” He shakes his head. “I’m not going to lie, I was very concerned. But the more I see you two together, the more reassured I am. I think you’ll be very good to her, Leo, and I think the two of you will be very happy together.”
That’ll teach me to underestimate anyone in the family. “Thank you, Ben. I know we’ll be.”
I standat an altar under a trellis draped with red silk and gold tulle and decorated with garlands of white roses and jasmine. Behind me, the ocean glitters like a million sparkling diamonds.