Page 41 of Knife to the Heart
“I know something is going on, and I’m worried about you. Devon’s been muttering and pecking away at the keyboard like ajacked-up parrot scratching its beak on its cage. Not that I’m not used to that. Comes with the territory when you fall in love with a technology geek who spends hours on end in a cyber coma.”
Rosalie laughed. “Cyber coma?”
“Yup. I tell my fourth graders that if they spend too much time on their devices, they’ll be sucked into the virtual abyss and may never return.”
“You have quite a way with words.” As she should since she was a children’s author. Rosalie’s mother never missed a chance to point out that Bella’s career choices were respectable, creative, and safe. Last time Rosalie checked, the FBI was one of the most respected law enforcement agencies in the world. And hacking code to find a criminal was very creative. She couldn’t argue the safe part though.
Cool air greeted her as she entered the stairwell. She sucked it in and sat on the top step. A blissful chill shot through her suit pants as she positioned herself against the wall, one eye on the door, the other on the staircase. “You know, Bella, you should write a book about kids who go into a cyber coma and enter some sort of fantasy world where they fight evil villains.”
“I write fiction.” Bella’s voice sobered. “That’s too close to our reality right now.”
Rosalie dropped her head to her chest. “I’m sorry I ruined your romantic getaway.” Her eyes teared up. She blinked them back. Her father wouldn’t want her to break down over Malgor. He’d want her to plunge herself into a cyber coma and work on stopping the filthy terrorist.
She rubbed the back of her neck. She’d been in a cyber coma for hours now with nothing to show for it but frustration and aches from sitting hunched over. Proper ergonomics flew out the window when lives were at risk—and not just her own. There were so many vulnerable people in this hospital—in this town.
“Listen, Rosalie, this isn’t your fault, and my romantic getaway isn’t ruined. I’m used to sharing Devon with his laptop. He said if Malgor’s in the area, he’ll help find him. Then he made love to me again and promised he’d keep me safe forever. I’d say that’s damn romantic.”
Jealousy ricocheted through Rosalie. Maybe falling in love did make it possible to move on.
“Cuz?” Bella’s voice cracked over the line.
“Everything that’s happened is leading up to something big. Something with the end goal of hurting you. Am I right?”
Rosalie’s heart squeezed at the accurate assessment. She rested an elbow on her knee and dropped her heavy head in her free hand. A muffled cry on Bella’s end jerked Rosalie’s head up. “What was that?”
“I’ve got to go, honey. Devon is having a nightmare. Catch this asshole so he doesn’t haunt my future husband anymore, will ya? And be careful about it. We both love you.”
“Love you too.” Rosalie slipped the phone in her pocket, closed her eyes, and hugged her knees. Devon had Bella to comfort him when his demons came knocking. Rosalie knew who she wanted to wrap herself around when Malgor haunted her dreams, but the king was busy trying to save his kingdom, and she was no princess.
Rosalie sprangfrom the step and reached for her gun as Cannon entered the stairwell.
He held up his hands. “Just me. How long have you been hiding here?”
“A few minutes, and I wasn’t hiding.”
Could have fooled him. Through the small window in the door, he’d spotted her curled in a ball. Her posture had mimicked the way he felt. He set his cup of hot chocolate on the windowsill beside her. “I hide in here all the time.”
She fiddled with the hem of her jacket. “Maybe I was hiding. It’s a good spot.”
“Wulf mentioned he’d seen you sneak in here.”
“Does Wulf ever go home, or does he just follow you around twenty-four seven?”
“He’s my chief of security. There’s been lots to secure today. I don’t go home much either. What’s your problem with Wulf?”
“He seems too intense and well trained to be working in a small resort town. And he’s always alert and watching his back.”
Cannon unbuttoned the top of his dress shirt and absorbed the cool air. “That’s what I like about him.”
“What’s his deal?”
“He’s from Germany. Came to the US and worked in law enforcement somewhere on the West Coast, but a medical condition forced his early retirement. Before that, he was in the military, I think. And yeah, he always seems to be on alert. I see it in Julia and in you too. My dad was the same way after years on the force.”
Her eyes widened. “Your father was a cop?”
“Yeah. Here in Red Snow. He was a good man.”