Page 16 of Reclaiming River
“I have no intention of hurting her.”
The man, who hadn’t given me his name, looked me up and down. “If that is true, you should take the intro class for Masters that is about to start down in the Dungeon.”
Before I could even think up a response, the rude man stalked away and I was left with a bitter taste at the back of my tongue. Is that what everyone here believed? That I was some wannabe Master who needed lessons?
I’d been in the community for years before River and I had gotten together. Yes, I’d made mistakes with her but they were judging me without ever speaking to me. If it didn’t mean I’d probably lose River for good, I’d leave this place and the judgmental stares and never look back.
But this place was her home and these people were her friends. I doubted she’d opened up much to them and they’d probably jumped to the worst conclusions. I pushed down my pride and headed toward the same stairs where I’d run into River.
If attending a Dom 101 class would help me win over River and her friends, it would be a small price to pay. A few hours ofmy time to show everyone I was the right Master for her? Yes, I could do that.
The lecture was being held in the main area of the Dungeon, and I was surprised to see a handful of Masters and Mistresses already gathered. The man at the front of the room smiled and beckoned me over.
“Hello, I’m Grant Chambers, and you are?”
“Cade Knightly.”
“It is nice to meet you, Cade. Welcome to my class. I’m director of discipline and teach at Rawhide University. I also have a masters in psychology. I think you will enjoy today’s topic.”
“Thank you.”
The man turned back to talk to someone I didn’t know so I found a seat. I wasn’t sure if I was going to enjoy the topic but at least the instructor was nice instead of hostile like the man in the lobby. It was interesting that he mentioned being a therapist. Had River spoken to him or his wife about me? If she had, what had she told them?
Before my mind could wander too far down the rabbit hole, I noticed Andy entering the room. He made a beeline toward me and dropped into the seat next to mine.
“Where did you disappear to last night? I expected you’d at least put an appearance in.”
I shook my head. I’d been so caught up in everything I hadn’t even thought about my friend. “You won’t believe it. River is here.”
Andy smiled. “You’re kidding! What are the chances?”
My friend had never been a good actor. His surprise was a little over the top and his eyes sparkled with mirth. The bastard had known, and instead of just telling me, he’d set up this trip; he’d made up some story about my needing a break. I wouldhave called him out on his bullshit but Grant directed everyone’s attention to the front of the room.
“Today’s topic will be focused on the Master/slave dynamic. Now, I’m not just talking about titles but for those who choose to scene, or live 24/7 TPE, which is total power exchange for those who might be unfamiliar with the term.”
I had to hide my surprise. When the man had suggested I come, I’d thought it was just going to be a generic intro to BDSM class. I’d attended classes about kinks and specific acts at clubs before, but other than the general speech on the responsibilities of a Dom, I’d never heard about a class like this.
Even within the very open community, dynamic was something that was only discussed in broad strokes or left to the couple to figure out what worked. As Grant dove into the psychology and history of TPE, I was fascinated. It was as if the material had been tailor made for me.
If one was looking at mental submission on a sliding scale, the title of Top was on one side while Master was on the other. Top and bottom were terms that had been adapted from gay culture to mean a dynamic where mental submission wasn’t really involved. In the middle were so many dynamics, the long list he rattled off shocked me.
I’d always known I’d fallen on the more extreme end of the scale within a scene. It wasn’t until I met River that I’d known I wanted to have control 24/7. Luckily, that had been what she wanted as well. Or at least thathadbeen what she wanted.
“One of the biggest mistakes people make in any dynamic is thinking that by agreeing on an honorific, everything is clearly defined. ‘I’ve got my slave and their limit list, what else could I possibly need?’.”
The pompous way he said the last made everyone in the room chuckle. My stomach churned with unease though I smiled along with everyone else.
“This arrogance is bad in any dynamic, but it is worse when your partner has turned over all control to you. In the last few years, I’ve seen limits lists change to also include whether a sub enjoys the activity or is eager to try it. That is all well and good for sexual activities, but if you are in a 24/7 relationship, there is so much more you need to know.
“What does your sub want? More importantly, what do they need? Are you going to use protocols or a schedule to guide your sub when you aren’t around? Will you be controlling everything in their day or just specific parts? Are you going to have an exhaustive set of protocols covering every moment of the day?
“A service sub would thrive with a chore list and a set of expectations, but what if your slave hates cleaning? Maybe you like to cook. Does creating food for your partner make you any less of a Master? These are just a few examples of common misconceptions about a TPE dynamic.”
As he continued, my mind swirled with conflicting thoughts. The contract River and I had signed covered some of the things he suggested but not a lot.
How arrogant had I been in thinking that as long as I never ignored her limits, I was a good Master? At the core, River’s needs were simple. She enjoyed serving, the praise for a well-done job, and she needed to be pushed into living out her fantasies.
The thought of the dirty slut who hid under her prim exterior made me smile. Most people would never understand how much she loved humiliation and exhibitionism unless they knew her well. Being my slut gave her the freedom to explore her darkest fantasies.