Page 12 of Punt
"Oh." She tilted her head. "I guess not. I just… I wanted you to hear what happened from me, before that woman said anything. Who knows what a scorned girlfriend might say?"
"Right," I said slowly. What did she think Ashley might have said that was worse than what actually happened? I honestly couldn't think of a damn thing crappier than sleeping with someone else.
I looked down toward the table and realised that wasn't it at all. Brandi was scared Ashley would tell me. She had no intention of doing it herself. If Ashley said nothing, Brandi and I would have gone on as usual, with her doing who knows what, or who, behind my back.
"Can I ask you something else before you go?" I wasn't sure I wanted to know, but I started this, so I might as well finish it.
"Of course," Brandi said lightly. She looked as though she was getting bored.
"Was it the first time?" I asked. "Since we've been seeing each other."
She hesitated, then smiled. "You don't really want the answer to that." She turned on her high heels and sashayed out of the bar, guy's eyes following as she went.
"You really can pick 'em," I told myself under my breath. I shook my head and snatched up my helmet as one of the guys walked in.
"Bam," I called out. Abraham 'Bam' Clinton was the Rapids’ running back. Slightly shorter than I was, Bam was a whole lot more smartass.
"Chasey-boy," Bam replied. That was as close to a nickname as I ever got from anyone on the team.
I was okay with that. For a while they called me Hunt, but I ignored it and it didn't stick.
They tried Widey for a bit too, but then gave up on that too.
"You here for a burger?" I forgot about that while I was talking with Brandi, but my appetite came back with a vengeance.
"What the heck else would I be here for?" Bam asked with a grin. "I ain't poppin' in for your company."
"I'm hurt," I said with a chuckle. "My shining wit is going to waste around guys like you."
"Shining wit," Bam said slowly, "or whining shit?" He grinned even wider now.
Fuck, I walked right into that one. I should know better around Bam.
"Definitely the first." I patted his shoulder and followed him into the restaurant section of Waves.
Like the bar, it was nothing fancy, but the smell of stale beer gave way to grilling meat and chips.
"Didn't I ban you two?" John asked as he walked past, a plate in either hand.
"Probably," Bam agreed. "But you missed us so much, you let us back in."
John set the plates down in front of a pair of diners and moved to stand beside our table.
"Interesting theory," he said slowly.
"How 'bout this theory," Bam said. "We pay money in return for your fine food."
"That's a theory I can get behind," John said. "What can I get you?"
We gave our orders and I asked, "How's the new baby?"
John replied with a weary smile. "A handful, just like all the rest, and their mother."
"Don't let Vera hear you say that," Hawk Florence stepped out from the kitchen, an overflowing plate on one hand. The Rapids' quarterback was Vera's cousin, and one of Waves biggest supporters and more frequent customers. The whole team was here a lot, truthfully, but sometimes I thought he lived out the back. Or had before he met his girlfriend, Bec. The pair were inseparable these days.
"She'll kick your ass." Hawk grinned and flopped down in the chair beside Bam.
"She'll kick my ass anyway," John said.