Page 25 of Punt
Neither did I, to be honest. Once in a while I'd avoided a heavy tackle by losing my balance at the right moment, but I was usually graceful out here. Well, as graceful as a tall, heavy guy can be. I was no ballet dancer. Except that one time and that was for charity.
The things I did for a good cause.
"Luckily there's no dog crap here," I said. At least, there better not be. If there was, it would have been thrown from the crowd. Hopefully no one watching would do something so gross.
I scanned the stadium again and this time my eyes went to the box reserved for friends and family of the team. Many opted to sit in the regular seats and absorb the atmosphere with the rest of the crowd, but I knew Ashley and Bec watched from the box.
Hawk lifted his arm and waved in that direction. After a moment, I did the same.
We got a pair of waves in return.
I looked toward Hawk and took in the silly grin on his face. Oh yeah, he had it hard for Bec. That was great, she was good for him. I'd never seen him look so happy before. Good for him, he deserved it.
Most of the time.
A whistle sounded and we headed back to the locker room.
"It's time to kick some Emus all the way back to South Australia," Bam said. He put a hand on the cross tattooed on his neck and his lips moved.
I wasn't much into religious stuff, but for all I know, someone listened and let us win because he reached out and asked.
The Emus themselves headed back to their own locker room. I hadn't noticed them coming out onto the field. I really needed to focus better, because clearly I didn't have my mind on right, just now. Not noticing the other team, that wasn't like me at all.
I also didn't notice that as we walked off the field, I had the same silly grin on my face as Hawk.
"I feel like everyone is watching us," I whispered to Chase.
The Rapids beat the Emus by several points. After the game, most of the team, their friends and family gravitated toward Waves for a few celebratory drinks.
Chase and I sat with Hawk and Bec until the pair snuck off together.
Before they left, Bec told me she was a freelance reporter and had a successful blog called Bec Writes. That was where I knew her from. I followed her blog. I've read her posts about her partner and their regular attempts to avoid tabloid journalists, or at least one in particular.
Harvey Danbury was notorious in Storm Valley. He even attended Lacey's fashion parades, to ogle the models and, presumably, to photograph any wardrobe malfunctions or embarrassing falls.
Chase and I would have to keep an eye out for him. People like that would eat up a story like ours.
"They're just curious," Chase said. "They want to know about you and how we started dating so quickly."
"What did you tell them?" I asked, my gaze intent on him.
He shrugged one shoulder. "Nothing. I said it's none of their business. Let them think whatever they want. We're the only ones who need to know what's really going on."
I sat back, hands in my lap. "Right. Yes. Bec asked a lot of questions."
He grinned. "She always does. Comes from being a journalist I guess. Don't worry, she won't write about us. At least not by name or anything recognisable."
"Oh, good." I was halfway to wondering why she wanted to know so much about me. Mostly she'd asked about work, and said she'd love to attend the spring fashion parade. I'd suggested she model for it, but she'd laughed off the idea. Shame, she was gorgeous and poised.
I chewed my lip. "They aren't going to hate me when this is done, are they?" Honestly, I'd jumped into this with both feet and now I was worried I jumped too far, too fast.
"Do you want to stop?" Chase gave me a worried look from behind his beer.
"No," I said slowly. "I just don't want to be the bitch later, when you get back with Brandi."