Page 32 of Punt
I might have admired his ass for a few moments longer than necessary before I turned away.
"Do you think Bam will like his outfit?" I turned back and smiled.
Chase grinned at my reflection. "He's going to love it."
My smile widened. "Great." I wasn't usually much of a practical joker, but I couldn't resist this one.
"Hey guys," Bam greeted as he stepped into the change room. "Sup?" He had a suit bag draped over his shoulder. His hair was neat, just like I'd asked for, and his face lightly powdered. Not enough to look like makeup, but enough so the lights above the catwalk didn't make his skin shiny.
"Nothing much." Chase and I exchanged looks and held back laughter.
Bam looked from one to the other. "What?" He eyed me suspiciously. "Am I wearing something as ugly as Chase's shirt?"
"Of course not," I replied.
"Good. Better not be as ugly as Chase himself." Bam held the bag up and unzipped it all the way. He peeled back one side, then looked back up at us.
"It looks okay, but the expression on your faces says you're up to something." He pulled out a pair of jeans like the ones Chase wore, and a neatly ironed, white button down shirt. "This looks way too harmless. Where's the mint green tutu?"
I clapped my forehead. "I knew I forgot something. Oh well, we'll have to go with that as it is. I'll step out so you can get changed."
I closed the door behind me. The change room walls didn't go up to the ceiling, so I heard them talking.
"That woman is definitely up to some shenanigans," Bam said. "Have you been teaching her your bad habits?"
Chase laughed. "I'm sure she's not up to anything. Maybe you should stop thinking everyone is plotting against you."
"Hey, everyoneisplotting against me," Bam said. "And I'm plotting against you all." He chuckled.
"Accurate." Chase grinned. "How did you get through high school without getting tossed out?"
"The trick is to not get caught," Bam said. "Now, are you gonna tell me what your woman is up to?"
My heart did a funny little dance at being called Chase's woman. I put it down to a touch of fear at being caught out with our plan. Or maybe nerves, because I needed this parade to go well.
"Nope," Chase said. "That would be telling. Besides, what makes you think she's up to anything?"
"Anyone in your immediate proximity is suspicious," Bam said. "Including me." He paused for a moment. "Maybe it's you who is up to something."
"Possibly," Chase said. "You'll have to wait and see."
"Has anyone told you recently that you suck?" Bam asked.
I struggled to hold back a laugh, which earned me a funny look from Hawk Florence who happened to walk by at that moment.
I managed to smile and hoped I didn't look too stupid. "Hi, thanks for coming."
He nodded and smiled back. "Anything for cancer research." A brief shadow passed over his eyes, but it was gone quickly, like he was used to covering his feelings. He was a guy, he probablywasused to it. Shame guys are taught to do that, it can't be healthy.
"It's a cause near and dear to many of us." If we weren't personally affected, we knew someone who was.
"That's true," he agreed. "That's why we're all here."
"Thank you," I said. "It's appreciated.
"You can get changed in there." I pointed.
He nodded and stepped inside.