Page 40 of Punt
"Will you at least give us a chance?" Kris pleaded. "Have dinner with me. Let's talk about everything. We were always good at talking things out, weren't we?"
"I was," I said. "You were usually distracted by a comic book."
"I'll do better," he said quickly. "Please, just one dinner, that's all I ask. One chance to win you back. I promise you won't regret it."
I hesitated. Everything Chase and I did was for this, so Kris would see what he missed and try to get me back. Now he had… I wasn't sure I could trust him enough to give him a second chance.
"I'll think about it," I said finally.
I cut him off. "Kris, I said I'll think about it. I will. Just give me some time, okay? I don't want to rush into anything."
"So you and Chase aren't dating?" he asked.
"We're good friends," I said. "We both needed one after you and Brandi."
"Right," Kris said. "Shoulders to cry on. I get it." He sounded relieved. "As long as that's all it is."
It was none of his business, but I didn't want to pick a fight with him, not now. I had too much to mull over as it was.
"Yeah. I'll, um, talk to you later, okay?"
"I'll keep my phone next to me night and day until you do," Kris assured me.
"Bye." I ended the call and exhaled through pursed lips.
My mind was doing gymnastics. One thing was certain; I wasn't ready to think about it all right now.
I tucked my phone in my pocket and headed back to where Chase still sat, sipping his coffee.
"So, that was Kris." I slipped back into my seat. At the last moment I remembered my phone. I pulled it back out and set it, screen down, on the table.
Chase nodded. "I figured."
"Yeah." When he didn't ask for details, I said, "He wants me back."
"Right." Chase covered his expression with his cup. "I thought that might be it. Congratulations."
"He wants me to have dinner with him, but I'm going to think about it," I said slowly. "I just…"
"You don't have to explain," Chase said. "I get it." His gaze went toward the nearest window.
"He also warned me about you," I said.
His eyes flicked back and he frowned, then snorted.
"Kris warned you about me?" he echoed. "That's a bit rich, considering."
"That's what I thought. He said you're with a different woman every time he sees you."
Honestly, I didn't know why I was saying any of this. I guess because a part of me wanted to hear it from his side. Why did it matter? I don't know why, it just did.
Chase shrugged. "I'm unlucky in love. Besides, you saw today how people are. Most see the football guy, not the real guy. Once they have their social media moment, and realise I'm just a regular guy, they don't want to know anymore."
I reached out, put my hand lightly on his arm and locked my gaze on his deep, chocolate brown eyes. A girl could drown in there. Brandi didn't know how lucky she was.
"You're a great guy," I said firmly. "Lots of women aren't shallow, like-chasers." I wasn't sure where Brandi fit into that.I wasn't going to say anything bad about the woman he cared about anyway.