Page 53 of Punt
I drove home as quickly as I could, which wasn't very fast, given I caught every red light all the way.
I could squeeze in a quick shower and change of clothes, but I'd still be late for work. It couldn't be helped now.
I checked my messages in the elevator on the way up. Two were work related, one about a trip to Paris in a few weeks. One was from someone I didn't recognise and the last was from Chase.
Should I open it? I imagined what it might say. 'Hey, about last night, big mistake, C.' Or maybe, 'Worst night ever, regrets. C.'
I shook my head at the last one. He wouldn't be so mean, even if it was true. Which I didn't think it was. He certainlyseemedto be having a good time. I certainly had. Several times.
Okay, cold shower it was.
I put the phone down, message unread, and headed for what ended up being a warm shower, to relax muscles I hadn't used in a long time.
I dashed on my favourite tropical body wash. I thought it was supposed to make me want to be on a beach somewhere, drinking a cocktail made by a hot server in tight white shorts and a straw hat.
That was very specific, but a girl can dream, right? Anyway, it smelled like some kind of flower which probably didn't exist outside the factory.
I avoided looking at a clock while I dried and dressed. If I did, I'd panic. That would slow me down even more. The fact I had nothing to wear was bad enough.
Okay, you know how it goes, I had plenty to wear, really, but I wasn't feeling any of it. In the end I chose black pants, a white blouse and a soft pink mohair sweater with a deep V neck.
I pulled on socks and black boots with a zip down the side and all but ran out the door.
I moved so fast I almost missed seeing Harvey Danbury, who stood on the other side of the road from my car.
He gave me a finger wave.
I wanted to flip him the finger, but I shot him a smile instead and hurried away.
Please, please don't let him have seen me leaving Chase's, I begged to whatever in the universe might be listening.
Was he going to follow me around for the rest of my life? Or just until this story of his went cold and people stopped caring? The sooner that happened, the better. Surely there were a bajillion more interesting people to write about than me. Iwas as dull as they came. At least, to me I was. To Kris too, I supposed.
I frowned to myself. I hadn't thought about him in hours. I certainly wasn't thinking about him last night. Or Brandi, or any of it. It was all about Chase and me and nothing more.
Now, I felt a pang of guilt big enough to bring down an elephant.
Kris and I weren't on right now, but hewantedus to be. What would he think if he knew I slept with Chase? He'd be mad, I was sure of that. He'd call me a hypocrite, even though the situation was different.
Was it though? Chase and I got caught up in the moment the same way Kris and Brandi had. All thought went out the window.
I stopped at yet another red light and rested my head on the steering wheel. Complicated didn't start to describe this mess. Tangled, confused web, would work better.
Stupid, stupid, stupid me. I should have called Chase and told him about Brandi and Harvey's article. Chase was a big boy, he could deal with it. The last thing he needed was me throwing myself at him.
He initiated the kiss, but I was the one who started pulling off clothing.
The beep of a horn behind me made me jump. My head flew up and I saw the light had turned green.
I sent a mental apology to the driver behind me and drove through the lights.
I glanced at the clock and wished I hadn't. If I was any more late for work, they'd assume I quit, or was too sick to call.
"Crap," I said to myself. I should have called in sick. I could have spent the day in bed, with donuts and a movie marathon. I was far too distracted to make good choices today. I would haveto pull myself together before I ordered a few dozen crocheted men's shorts in mint green.
Yes, they're a thing, but the less said about them, the better. If a few boxes of those turned up, I'd be fired the moment the first one was opened.