Page 53 of Embracing Darkness
I nod and follow Ayden into his room. As soon as the door closes, he takes me in his arms. His gaze locks onto mine and makes my heart race. It’s me who leans forward and seeks out his lips. Ayden reaches out without breaking contact and, contrary to his habit, locks the door.
My breath comes faster, and when our tongues touch, a soft moan escapes my throat. Ayden’s lips wander along my chin down to my collarbone, electrifying me. He runs his hands over my ass and then up my back, pushing them deliberately slowly up under my shirt. He caresses my skin with almost unbearable tenderness, as if he wants to explore every inch of me, and it drives me wild with desire. I’m filled with this tingling sensation that becomes more and more intense until I can hardly stand it.
I put my hands on his hips, feeling the firm muscles below his belly, and slide them under his shirt. He gets goosebumps, spurring me on. I want to put my lips there and taste him all over.
But he has the same idea. He pulls off my top and kisses my shoulder, his lips moving down to my bra. I shiver and draw a shuddering breath as I wait for him go a step further. He slides his fingers under my bra straps and pushes them off my shoulders, all the while gazing into my eyes. An irrepressible fire burns in his eyes, making me gulp. His fingers begin to move over my skin, he kisses me again, and just at that moment, someone rattles the door.
“Ayden, what is this? Since when do you lock your door?” It’s Vicky, and she doesn’t sound happy.
Ayden growls impatiently and lets go of me. I put on my top as fast as I can. I know this encounter is going to be unpleasant, and I brace myself for it.
Vicky knocks and calls out, “Ayden, what the hell? You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
I’m amazed at her brazenness. It must be clear to her that she’s not welcome right now, but no, of course she doesn’t see it that way. On one hand, I’m incredibly sorry about what happened to her, and I understand their relationship better now. But he’s not responsible for her well-being.
Ayden opens the door and makes no effort to disguise his annoyance. “Can you come back later? Now is not a good time.”
“What’s going on? Do you have one of your booty calls here? Tell her to come back later. I need to talk to you. My parents just called. You wouldn’t believe the fuss my mother made...”
She tries to push past him, but he puts his arm out and blocks the way. Vicky looks up at him in surprise, and then she catches sight of me behind him. Her expression instantly turns icy, and her mouth narrows into a thin, angry line.
“You’re fooling around with her?! You really think that’s a good idea?! She’s not going to take it well when you get bored and ditch her.”
“That’s not going to happen,” he says. “We’re together.”
Vicky raises her eyebrows incredulously and seems torn between laughter and anger. In the end, the former wins out. She bursts out laughing and asks, “You’re serious?! Are you her boyfriend now or what? You’re really not cut out for that.”
“Lay off him,” I interject. “Why do you have to run him down like that?”
“Run him down?! I’d never run him down. He’s a fantastic person; he’s just not right for you. But you’ll find that out soon enough, trust me. You two are a bad match.”
“Vicky, stop!” Ayden insists.
I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from giving her a piece of my mind. But then I remember what Ayden told me, and I calm down.
“I know how much he means to you,” I say quietly. “And I know he... was there for you.” I exchange a brief glance with him.“You’ll always be close...”
Halfway through my sentence, Vicky claps her hand over her mouth and no longer seems to be listening to what I’m saying. But she understood one thing clearly.
“You told her, didn’t you? That’s why she’s giving me that weird look and trying to be nice to me in her own creepy way.”
“Teresa’s important to me. I had to tell her. I want her to understand who we are to each other.”
Vicky’s expression is one of pure rage and hurt, and I can understand that. It’s a sore point in her past that she’s trying to put behind her. And now Ayden’s spilled her secret to me of all people, although it wasn’t easy for him.
“I just want us to get along better,” I venture in a calm voice. “I know how important you are to each other. I’d never try to come between you two. The fact that he’s with me now doesn’t change that. I just hope we can make peace.”
“You think I’m going to make it that easy for you?!” she hisses at me. “You don’t understand anything! I’ve never tried to keep anyone from getting close to Ayden. He’s totally capable of doing that himself, believe me. I don’t know what he suddenly wants with you, but up to now he’s never been interested in a committed relationship, and that was always fine with me. Ayden and I are the same in that way, and believe me, that’s rare. We’re good together. I can’t see you being okay with that kind of relationship, which is how I know this is doomed to fail. And if you think I’m just going to stand aside and give up everything that Ayden and I have built, then you’ve got another thing coming. That’s not who I am!”
“Vicky, that’s enough! Are you listening to me?!” Ayden warns her. I haven’t seen him this angry in ages. “Stay out of my business.”
I can see Vicky swallowing the words that are on the tip of her tongue. Her hands are clenched into fists, and her armsare shaking slightly. But she just nods and snaps, “Oh yeah, I understand. And I hope your little girlfriend does too.” With that, she turns and stalks off.
“She won’t give up,” I mutter. “She doesn’t want to lose the only person she really feels close to.”
Ayden puts his arm around me and kisses the top of my head. “She’ll have no choice. She doesn’t get to dictate to me.”
I turn around and nestle up to him. “But you care about her.”