Page 55 of Embracing Darkness
We’re in the cafeteria, and I’m trying to focus on my cheese sandwich and avoid the annoying looks from my friends.
“Well, I’m happy for you,” Max says finally. She’s been pretty uncommunicative all day. “You look happy, and if he’s actually serious about this...” She shrugs and gives me a friendly smile.
“I’m still not ready to forgive him for the way he treated you, but I know you care about Ayden and I’m really happy for you both,” Kate says, giving me a quick hug.
All this talk about me and Ayden is too much. So I try to redirect the conversation.
“Have you guys finished the biology homework? It’s pretty hardcore.”
Lucia groans quietly and says, “I totally rely on my brother for that. I’m going to call him later and ask if he can help.”
Max picks at her food and looks pensive again. “I haven’t even started.”
Lucia gives her such an empathetic look that I realize instantly what’s wrong.
“Are your parents at it again?”
Max waves her hand dismissively. “It never stops. I’m starting to hope they’ll get a divorce soon so the drama finally ends.” The situation is obviously getting to her more than she likes to admit. “I’m not looking forward to the weekend with Dad back athome.” She pulls a face.
My phone beeps. I quickly read the message. It’s Alex asking if I want to meet up with her on the weekend.
“Yeah, cool. Should I invite Kate?”
“Sure. Chrissy’s coming too. We could go shopping and then stop for coffee somewhere.”
I turn my attention back to the group and hear Lucia say, “Sorry, I’m busy this weekend. We’re going to visit my grandma again.” She hesitates and looks at Max. “But if you need me, I could tell my parents I can’t come.”
“It’s okay,” Max says with a smile. “I don’t need a babysitter. Really.”
“Come with us,” I suggest. “I just arranged to meet up with a couple of friends from my old school for coffee and shopping. You’re welcome to join.” I turn to Kate. “Alex is asking if you want to come too?”
She nods. “Sure.”
We both look at Max expectantly.
“Only if you’re sure it’s okay.”
“Great, I’ll just let Alex know,” I reply, reaching for my phone again.
At that moment, I receive another message. Not from Alex but from Noah.
“I wanted to give you some space after last time we met. I couldn’t help noticing you weren’t happy, and I assumed something must have happened. I asked Frances if she said something to you. You can imagine her answer. But since you haven’t been in touch, I figured I should ask... Sorry about the confused start to this message. What I actually want to know is: are you okay?”
I chuckle to myself and picture his face as he wrote the message.
“I’m fine, don’t worry. I just needed to think some things over.”
“And what was the verdict?” he replies instantly.
That’s not so easy to answer. “Honestly, I’m still not sure.”
“Then we should talk, don’t you think?”
I’m about to decline, my fingers already hovering over the keys, but then I change my mind. We have a few things to discuss, and we probably shouldn’t do it over the phone.
“Can do. When and where?”
“Tonight? Outside the hospital at 8?”