Page 49 of Tear of Destiny
Edoardo laughs and puts his arm around his son’s shoulders. “That’s young people for you. Always thinking they know better and wanting to change things. But wisdom comes with age.”
Alfredo’s expression darkens, and he clenches his jaw so hard that I half expect to hear his teeth grinding.
“Less than ten minutes and you’re already deep in conversation. I hope you don’t mind me butting in.” A short man with a prominent belly and an even more impressive snow-white mustache squeezes between the Fabricis and extends his hand. “Leonard Montrell. Pleased to meet you.”
I grasp his hand, and he squeezes and shakes mine firmly.
“Wonderful party, Marcella my dear. You always know how to spoil your guests. In any case, the brandy is excellent.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself,” she replies a little coolly – or maybe I’m just imagining it.
“And how do you like your new school? I hear you have a powerful key spirit and have already learned to handle it well in the short time that you’ve been with us,” says Mr. Montrell.
“Yoru and I have become a great team. Obviously, we still have a lot to learn. But that’s why we’re in school.”
He nods benevolently. “You’re right. And you’ve already become embroiled in a few challenging encounters. It was thanks to you that we found that goddess of destiny. That’s bodes well for your future. Once you can really control yourgift…”
“That’ll take time. The past has taught us that most key carriers with this gift require a lot of training,” Marcella interrupts.
“I suppose you’re right. But she’s young and has already done very well for herself,” says Mr. Montrell, eyeing me again.
I’m starting to feel uncomfortable, like I’m some scientific curiosity.
“We shouldn’t forget that a hunter died in her presence,” Alfredo objects.
For a moment, I forget to breathe. I stare at him and don’t hesitate to express all my anger and reproach with my eyes. How dare he? Where does he get off bringing Ty into this?!
“Oh, give the girl a break,” says Mr. Montrell. “She’s still young and needs time to develop.” He gives me an encouraging smile, which right now, I can’t return. I’m feeling more and more uncomfortable by the minute.
“Perhaps you’d like to tell us a little about yourself,” says Edoardo, trying to change the subject. “We’d love to get to know you better.”
“I expect you already know most of what there is to know,” I reply. “I doubt my hobbies are of much interest to anyone here.”
I know I sound rude, but is it any wonder when I keep being insulted and discussed as if I’m not here?! The small group stares at me, hovering between dismay and disbelief. Finally, Mr. Montrell bursts out laughing, which makes his belly bounce up and down.
“She has a sting in her tail. I like that. You remind me of my daughter. Just a moment!” He turns and seems to be searching for someone in the crowd, then calls out, “Margret, darling, come here please!”
A woman in her early forties with fine brown hair and very alert green eyes joins us. She’s a little rotund and wearing a simple blue dress that looks very elegant on her.
“This is my daughter and right hand. She knows how to stand her ground too, and she’s the toughest negotiator I know.”
Margret nods and shakes my hand. “Pleasure, Ms. Franklin. It can’t be easy for you being surrounded by Council members. But I’m sure you understand how important it is for us to form an impression of you.”
I can see what her father means. She seems very honest and direct.
“What are your ambitions? Do you have plans for the future? Goals you particularly want to achieve that we can support you in?”
I slowly raise my eyebrows and look at her uneasily. How am I supposed to answer that? My life is so chaotic right now that I’d be glad just to eliminate the worst of my problems. I really don’t have time to draw up five and ten-year plans.
So I say, “Naturally, I want to develop my gift and learn to control it.”
Now it’s Margret’s turn to raise her eyebrows. “So you have no influence over it at all?”
I gulp. This is going from bad to worse.
“Hey, what are you all thinking, monopolizing our guest of honor and interrogating her the moment she arrives? I thought we were here to get to know each other and have some fun.”
Alessandro pushes his way through to us and gives me a beaming smile. He leans forward and hugs me as if we’re the best of friends and whispers to me, “I promised to show you a good time. It gets better from now on. Sorry I was late.” He steps back, takes my hand, and says to the group, “I’ll show Teresa around and make sure she gets something to eat. What kind of party would it be without a little indulgence?” He drags me away, and I’m hugely grateful to be saved from my interrogation.