Page 1 of Bound in Darkness
My heart beats frantically inside my chest as I cast one final look over my shoulder at the closed bedroom door. The coast is clear. I stick my head out through the window, spotting Jamie’s car across the street.
Taking a deep breath, I give myself a pep talk.You can do this.
One sneaker-clad foot slips out, followed by the other, grateful for the porch roof beneath me. Turning, I quietly inch the window shut and descend until my feet hit the ground. Creeping behind one of the pine trees, my gaze darts around, ensuring the coast is clear.
Straightening my shoulders, I exhale and take off, my backpack bouncing as I sprint across the yard. When I reach the road, my gaze darts around, ensuring there are no oncoming cars before I bolt across the street to Jamie’s silver SUV.
Whipping the door open, I shrug out of my backpack, climb inside, and slam the door. My breaths heave from my lungs as I meet Jamie’s amused hazel eyes. “Drive.”
She wastes no time slamming her foot on the accelerator and taking off. While she navigates the car through traffic, I pull off my hoodie, revealing the low-cut red top beneath.
Unzipping my backpack, I take out the heeled booties. Removing my sneakers, I put them on before shoving my sneakers and hoodie inside.
Leaning against the seat, the tension drains from my muscles as victory sweeps over me. “I did it.” My smile is huge as I meet Jamie’s eyes. “I escaped without anyone noticing. Notably, Chase.”
Jamie shakes her head, glancing at me before returning her attention to the road. “Good job, Kenz.”
“Thank you.” I lower the visor, inspecting my face and hair in the mirror.
Her penetrating gaze bores into my profile as she stops the car at a red light. “Nice outfit. The hoodie was a good cover.” There’s a look in her eyes that I don’t like, making me tense as I wait for her to continue. “Chase would be giving you hell if he saw you wearing that top.”
Shooting her a glare, a smug smile slowly curls my lips. “Chase didn’t see it, though. In fact, he has no idea I snuck out of the house. The big tattle tale certainly would’ve stopped me before I could leave.” I shudder at the memory of him telling my parents why I shouldn’t be allowed to go to Alex’s party. He made it sound like Alex was going to be serving up orgies and drugs.
“He can stop me anytime he wants,” Jamie mutters.
“Jamie!” I shriek, ignoring the wave of irrational jealousy that rolls through me. “Stop.”
“What? He’s good-looking as hell. Have you noticed his thighs and ass? He has nice biceps, too.”
I throw her a scathing glare. “Yes, I’ve seen him,” I say through clenched teeth. “Every freaking day.” Even though Chase is my foster brother, it’s hardnotto pay attention to him. I’d have to be blind to ignore how attractive he is. Or the way every girl in Emerson High School lusts after him.
I pretend it doesn’t bother me, but it does. A wave of resentment flows through me as I picture Chase’s piercing whiskey eyes and dark brown hair. He’s classically attractive in an all-American nice guy kind of way. He can roll out of bed, throw on a black T-shirt and pair of jeans, and still look better than half the males in our senior class.
Don’t drop your guard, Mackenzie. You can’t let him replace Gavin.
My hands curl in my lap, anger flowing through my veins like lava. I forget about examining myself in the mirror. My excitement disappears, replaced by my irrational anger and thoughts about Chase festering inside me, although I refuse to examine them.
Changing the subject, I uncurl my fingers and fluff my hair. “I’m so glad Alex invited me.” I hate the desperate tone of my voice. It’s as if I’m trying to convince myself that I’m making the right decision by going to Alex’s party.Maybe you’re trying to escape the way Chase makes you feel. Inwardly, I curse at my thoughts.Betraying bastards anyway.
Jamie’s laugh pulls me from my internal strife. “Invited you? Honey, from what I understand, the entire senior class is attending at Alex’s request.” She studies me with raised brows, making me shift uncomfortably in the seat, before turning her attention back to the road. “I’m surprised he didn’t throw a costume party since it’s October 13, but whatever.” As she drives to Alex’s house, she shoots me an indecipherable look. “Alex probably would’ve asked you to be his date if not for Chase.”
It’s as though someone dumped an icy bucket of water over me. I stare at Jamie like a fish, opening and closing my mouth but unable to form words as my fingers curl into the fabric of the upholstery.
My eyes narrow when Jamie looks over at me, her eyes wide with surprise, before waving a dismissive hand. “Forget I said anything.”
“No, I won’t forget it. What the hell does that mean?” I practically spit the words at her, furious that she’s withholding information. The look plastered on her face is an admission of guilt. “What. Did. Chase. Do?”
Silence stretches between us until I slam my fist against the dashboard of the car, making her jump. “Jamie.” There’s a warning in my tone that she wisely decides not to ignore.
“Fine. Fine.” Heaving out a breath, she avoids eye contact as she spills the details. “Alex was talking shit about you. Like a dumbass, he ran his mouth in the boys locker room after track practice.” She shakes her head, her gaze darting to mine. “He told Brady he planned to invite you to the party as his date. Of course, Chase overheard and got pissed.”
I turn in my seat, the seat belt cutting into my exposed cleavage as I lean forward, studying Jamie’s reaction with narrowed eyes “What exactly did Alex say?”
Sympathy shines in her worried irises. She bites her lip, remaining stubbornly quiet, before she softly says, “Are you sure you wanna hear this?”