Page 21 of Bound in Darkness
I’ll be damned if I’m gonna stay here and let Mackenzie die.
Pushing off the window, I turn, the ropes cutting into my wrists as I struggle against them, trying to break free. Even though it hurts, the adrenaline flowing through my system makes it easy to ignore the pain.
I jump when the crow’s loud squawking comes through the thin glass between us.Caw. Caw. Caw.
It’s then I spot a bunch of crows in the evergreens around it.A murder of crows.
My mouth is dry as I stare at the birds.How many are there?The gothic girl used to say a whole flock of crows indicates death is approaching.How many constitute a flock? Are the crows a symbol that Mackenzie is dead? Crows are known for being scavengers.
Fuck no. I refuse to believe it.
I run across the old wooden floor, hearing it creak and moan beneath my weight, stirring up the dust as I race to the other window.
From this vantage point, I spot a long, winding driveway and the silhouette of the dark car that looks like the one that stopped behind Mackenzie. Behind it, the thick forest spreads for miles. The branches shake harder, the rustling leaves infiltrating the thin glass window, mixing with the crows’ eerie caws, issuing a warning that things will only worsen.
I refuse to let the doubts win.I’d rather find Mackenzie and die in the woods than be tortured and killed in this attic.
I blow out a frustrated breath as I analyze this window. Like the other, it’s nailed shut, iron bars on the windows.
Closing my eyes, my head lowers in defeat, despair making my chest cave in. My heartbeat slows as my body grows heavy, encased in cement. I’m mentally shutting down.
Pull your head out of your ass, Chase. Mackenzie needs you.
My eyes pop open, ears straining for any noise, but the only thing I hear is my shallow breathing.
I can’t breathe without her.
Since the day I laid eyes on Mackenzie, I could breathe easier. Even though she fought me for quite some time, treating me like her enemy, she makes me feel like no one has before. Every smile, every laugh, and even the occasional compliments she bestows on me makes me feel alive.
I drift back to the kiss we shared earlier. The second her lips touched mine, all the shackles around me broke, and I was sprung free. The mistakes I’d made, the guilt I felt over my sister’s death, and the grief of my mother and sister’s passing disappeared when Mackenzie’s lips pressed against mine.
I’ve never known romantic love. Never thought I deserved it.
And I sure as hell shouldn’t want it with Mackenzie, my foster sister. But she’s all I crave.
And after everything we shared today, I refuse to let her go without a fight. Even if mine must end to save hers.
Heavy footsteps in the distance pull my attention from my thoughts. My ears strain, listening as they grow closer. I’m already moving toward the stairs, my heart banging against my ribcage when keys jingle in the locks. Two bolts click, and the door swings open, revealing the trio.
Mackenzie stands in front of Orpheus and Rosario, who flank either side of her.
She’s all I see as my hungry eyes rake over her from head to toe, nearly weeping from the relief that she’s standing in the doorway.
Watery amber eyes lift, locking onto mine. A knife stabs through my heart, turning in slow circles, when I see the heartbreak and despair in them.
I completely ignore the assholes behind her as I hurry down the stairs. “Mackenzie.” Her name rushes out of me like air releasing from a balloon.
Relief is evident on her face as she whispers my name. “Chase.”
Despite my bound hands, the second I reach her, my fingers interlock with hers, pulling her against me. Although ropes bind her wrists, she grips my T-shirt, clinging to me.
“Are you okay?” I whisper against her silky blonde locks, resting my cheek on the top of her head.
I feel her nod beneath me. “I’m okay. Considering…” Her voice breaks before trailing off.