Page 30 of Bound in Darkness
When she’s finished, Rosario rocks back on her knees. “I have the taser so don’t try anything funny.” She whips it out and points it at us, gracefully rising to her feet.
Mackenzie and I awkwardly get to our feet, tired and stiff. I have no idea when I dozed off. I was facing the stairway, doing my best to guard Mackenzie from the fucking devils.
Rosario unties our hands. I frown as I stare at the angry red marks on Mackenzie’s wrists from the ropes. But I worry about the psychological suffering even more than the physical.
Mackenzie and I eat our sandwiches and fruit in silence, stealing glances at one another. There’s no need since I can read her nonverbal signals just as well as her verbal ones.
We’ve barely finished eating when heavy boots thud up the stairs, raising my hackles. Mackenzie gets up from her seat at the table, and I’m already pushing my chair back before she throws herself into my lap. She wraps her arms around me, her small body shaking from fear as his ominous footsteps bring him closer.
I hold her as tightly to me as I can, my gaze locked on the stairway, waiting for the bastard to make his appearance. My chest is tight and my muscles are tensed for an attack.
Orpheus appears at the top of the steps. His heavy black robe swishes around him before he stills. His large presence fills the room, evil permeating every dusty fiber of the attic. Rosario bows her head beneath the veil that hides her face, clasping the taser in front of her.
I lose my appetite as I stare at the sick freak who captured us and is holding us against our will. My anger boils over, my jaw clenches so tightly I’m surprised my damn teeth don’t shatter.
My gaze slides to Rosario. Although she remains frozen in place, there’s a shallowness to her breathing that indicates her fear of him. I wish like hell she wouldn’t bend to his will, having no backbone to stand up to Orpheus. She blindly follows his madness, making herself an accomplice.
My gaze returns to the demon as he moves closer. He’s shirtless beneath his robe, burly muscles pressing against his black jeans. Cold onyx eyes analyze me before sliding to Mackenzie. Mackenzie meets his gaze for a few beats before she buries her face in the crock of my neck. A vile smile spreads over his lips as he watches us. It grows as she shivers from fear.
The fucker gets off on this. He craves power. Feeds on our fear.
My head lowers to her golden blonde hair, inhaling her scent so deeply it fills my lungs. Then I press my lips against the top of her head, whispering it will be okay. I know it’s a fucking lie, but Mackenzie is terrified, and I’m desperate to calm her.
My eyes remain on the vile monster in front of me, sizing him up. He’s watching me as intently as I’m watching him. Mackenzie murmurs my name, and I squeeze her so hard my arms hurt, raining kisses on her head as he watches.
The cruel smirk tells me all I need to know. He knows he can control me through her.
There’s no hiding the feral protectiveness that overflows from me, spilling out like a waterfall over Mackenzie. I want only one thing right now: to make her feel safe.
Caging Mackenzie in my arms, her trembling slows and then stops. She inhales deeply, exhaling slowly as she tightens her arms around me.
Even with the devil’s cold, calculating eyes boring into us, I lose myself in the way Mackenzie feels in my arms.So perfect. So right.Despite the horror surrounding us, I marvel that I’m holding the woman who lights up my life and mends my broken pieces together. She’s all that matters to me. I’ll do anything to protect her, no matter the cost.
The silence frays my nerves until I can no longer control my temper. “Why are you here, asshole? Don’t you have better things to do than torture ‘children,’ as you call us? Maybe bite the heads off some bats, or whatever fucked up shit you’re into.”
Mackenzie gasps, not used to seeing this side of me.
Orpheus folds his arms over his chest, an amused smile curling his lips. But his eyes glitter with a sinister rage. “Impatient and a smart-ass. I can’t wait to break you,boy.” His eyes glitter with a wickedness I’d only seen from the worst villains in the movies. His posture is regal as he puts his hands behind his back, pacing back and forth, his combat boots thudding against the floor, reminding me of nails being hammered into wood.
“What I want is quite simple.” He glances over at Rosario, almost as though he’s ensuring her eyes are riveted on him, which they are. Gesturing toward the window, he begins laying out his plans for us. “The Hunter’s Moon marks the beginning of my ascension into greatness. The first ritual will occur tonight. We’ve ensured the girl is a virgin… and remains so.” His eyes bore into mine, his wicked smile growing. “Rosario will bring your attire for tonight’s ceremony?—”
“I don’t give a fuck what ritual you have planned. We won’t be a part of it. Take whatever clothing you have for us, bend over, and shove it straight up your asshole.” I glance over at Rosario, who is staring at me through her veil as though I’ve lost my damn mind. “Or hers.”
Mackenzie lifts her head, her expression surprised yet impressed.
Orpheus isnotamused. His onyx eyes are full of rage. “You will do whatever the fuck I want you to do. The same goes forher.”
“Fuck you.”
“Chase.” My name is a startled gasp from Mackenzie’s lips.
“You think you’re so tough, boy.” Orpheus releases a vile chuckle. “We’ll see about that.” He waves a dismissive hand, continuing as though I hadn’t spoken. “Rosario will bring your attire for tonight. And youwillwear it.” The devil’s dark eyes flash, drilling into mine.
“Make me,” I grit out between clenched teeth, my right hand curling into a fist.
“If you don’t comply, I sure as fuck will force you.” He crooks his finger at Rosario. “Come, my queen. We need to prepare.”
Rosario silently glides across the floor. Her eyes dart to mine as she passes, and I swear she shoots me a warning look, but it’s gone so quickly that I wonder if I imagined it.