Page 42 of Bound in Darkness
Chase lifts onto one elbow, hissing from the pain as he looks over his shoulder at his attire. “Where the hell are we?”
“The exam room.”
“What exam room?”
“Inside the house. I’m trying to take care of you before…” She bites her lips. “Get some rest. You’ll have to go back to the attic soon enough.”
When my eyes pop open again, the musty smell of the attic assaults my senses. Panic rolls through me as my head turns, searching for Chase. He’s staring at me, an amused smile curling his lips. “Looking for someone?”
I immediately roll toward him, grateful he’s lying on my right. My gaze rakes over the lashes on his back before meeting his eyes. “Hi, whiskey. How are you doing?”
His smile broadens at the nickname. “Hey, angel. I’m okay. How are you?” His gaze flickers down my body to my exposed left thigh, frowning when he looks at the symbol carved into it.
“Glad we’re together.” Memories of recent events churn through my head, and a shiver rolls through me.
He shifts, reaching his arm out so his fingers entwine with mine. “Me, too.”
“How did we get here?”
Chase shrugs. “Not sure, sweetheart. Last thing I remember?—”
The clicking of the door locks cuts him off. Our eyes lock together, and I’m chilled to the bone by the fear I see in his. In unity, we suck in a breath and hold it, ears straining as our eyes go to the top of the attic stairs. When Rosario’s lacy black veil appears, I blow it out, relief flowing through me that it’s nothim.
“Hi, children.” Her voice is low and quiet as she heads toward us. “I’m here to?—”
“We’renotchildren,” I grit out, anger swirling through my veins. “He’s eighteen and I’ll be…” I pause, not sure what day it is or how long we’ve been here. “I’ll turn eighteen soon. The end of October.”
A small smile covers her face as she holds her hands up in a gesture of surrender. “I’ll stick to Chase and Mackenzie.” She stands there, unmoving. “Do I have permission to approach and check your wounds?”
My gaze locks with Chase before moving back to her and nodding.
Rosario approaches, setting a black bag on the floor. I eye it, watching as she opens it and begins removing items, spreading them around her. Without looking at me, she remarks, “There’s nothing here you can stab me with. I have the taser…” she pulls it from the bag, holding it so we can see it. “I don’t want to use it, but I will if you make me.”
I exchange a look with Chase before eying his back.He needs her help. I can’t deny him that. In the condition we’re in, escape is futile.
I’ve noticed Rosario hesitates to make eye contact with Chase but not me. “Understood. We’ll behave ourselves. Check his wounds first.”
“No,” Chase grits out between clenched teeth. He shoots me an annoyed look before his attention moves to Rosario. “I’m?—”
“He’s a damn liar,” I cut him off, holding my ground. “He always puts me first. If he was missing a limb and I had a scratch, he’d tell you to check on me before him.” Meeting Rosario’s eyes, I give her a pleading look. “Check his back first, okay?”
“Kenz.” Whiskey eyes burn into mine, flaming with rage.
“I don’t wanna hear it. I hurt, but I don’t know that Rosario can do much with some of those wounds. Especially the psychological ones.”
She stills, wide eyes locking on me. A flash of something in her eyes causes my stomach to twist. She nods, lowering her head and grabbing a few supplies. “I’ll treat his back.” She avoids looking at me as she moves to him and sets to work.
Chase tenses as soon as she touches the first one, a pained hiss escaping his lips. My heart goes out to him. He needs a distraction.
I squeeze his hand, our fingers still linked together. “Do you remember bringing up the Ferris Wheel?” His eyes flit to mine, softening as he nods. “When you asked if I wanted to go to the carnival, I hesitated because I didn’t wanna seem too eager, but I really wanted to go with you.” I begin by describing how I took extra care with my appearance, how excitedly nervous I was, and how I felt being with him that night. He relaxes, which is the first victory. The second one comes when I make him smile and laugh.
“You’re finished.” Rosario pats his arm before moving to me. “Can you roll to your back, Mackenzie?”
As I comply, she sets the container of ointment beside the mattress and whispers, “Good job distracting him. Just as he did with you last night.”
I freeze, my gaze meeting hers. The warmth in her eyes is apparent even through the veil.
Then she drops them and sets to work, leaving me baffled by her actions.