Page 54 of Bound in Darkness
Deep breaths. You need to save her.
I study his tattoos to distract myself from the pain as my mind frantically tries to come up with a way to get free. A large pentagram, with Divinity of the Chosen Ones, is written around it. Contained within are various skulls. One has a serpent slithering from an eye socket, its head resting on the top of the skull. The other three have a knife jammed through the center of it, a crow sitting on the handle.
The second the light glints off the blade of the knife, my attention is no longer on his tattoos. I kick, yell, and scream as the sweat pours down my back. But the ropes hold me firmly in place. Orpheus and Mackenzie are too far away for me to kick him.
Orpheus cuts the ropes from Mackenzie’s ankles, then spreads her legs as he moves between them. Mackenzie writhes and twists, trying to push him away with her bound wrists.
Mackenzie’s scream cleaves my heart in half when Orpheus undoes his pants. Her eyes move over his shoulder, locking onto mine.
I’m fucking helpless. Fat tears slide down my face as he violently shoves himself inside her, unable to do a goddamn thing except use my words.
“Stay with me, angel. Eyes on me.” My voice is raspy from pain and guilt, wishing like hell I could stop this.
She winces, but her gaze is fixed on me as Orpheus thrusts inside her. “Remember that time when you didn’t know I was home, and you walked in on me while I was in the shower? I’d just gotten out when you came barging in.” My voice shakes from the pain, even though I try my damnedest to control it.
“I-I d-do.” Despite the pain on her face, her eyes take on a faraway look.
“Shut up, boy,” Orpheus growls.
“Fuck you. Why don’t you make me?” I taunt, trying to get him the fuck away from Mackenzie.
Mackenzie whimpers from the pain, drawing my attention back to her. I continue, knowing she needs the distraction. “You were so embarrassed. I’d never seen your cheeks so red, especially since you couldn’t stop staring at my dick.”
An embarrassed gasp comes from her lips as her blush deepens.
“I see it in your eyes. You still want me.”
“Shut the fuck up, boy.” Orpheus throws a death glare over his shoulder as he continues assaulting Mackenzie.
And though it’s fucking killing me to see what he’s doing to her, I keep running my mouth, hoping he’ll stop violating her and come after me.
“You sound bitter, asshole.” I wince as the ropes dig into my wrists from kicking my legs, trying to break free of these restraints. “Jealous that no woman willinglywantsyou? Hell, I’ll bet you must force Rosario.” I lick my dry lips as I continue my tirade. “You don’t know what it’s like to have a woman lust after your dick. For her to become so wet from wanting you she drips into her panties. Sliding inside her pussy is fucking heaven.”
An animalistic growl comes from his lips as he continues what he’s doing. My words distracted him. His thrusts are not nearly as powerful.
“Mackenzie doesn’t want you. I’ll bet she’s as dry as the Sahara Desert. But if that were me between her legs, she’d be so wet her juices would run down her thighs.”
An inhuman snarl comes from Orpheus’s throat before he pulls out of Mackenzie. He gets to his feet, pulling his jeans up around his waist.
Adrenaline races through my system as he whirls around. I stare him down, noting the fury in his normally cold, soulless eyes.
As soon as he’s within reach, I swing back like a gymnast and kick him with both feet. He stumbles back, caught off guard. He growls, coming for me again, but I manage to connect with his dick, making him double over.
Mackenzie gets to her feet, eying the knife lying on the floor. Her gaze lifts and seeing Orpheus on his knees, she stealthily grabs it. Then she sprints around him to me.
While she slices the ropes binding my ankles, my gaze bounces between her movements and Orpheus. His head lifts, his murderous gaze latching on to what she’s doing. With a roar, he gets to his feet and comes barreling toward us.
But Mackenzie has freed my ankles. As he runs full speed at us, I whisper, “Move.” She jumps to the side, and I wrap my legs around Orpheus’s neck, squeezing with everything I have, cutting off his oxygen.
But the fucker manages to get his arm up, slamming me in the nuts. My hold loosens as pain shoots between my legs.
“Nooo!” Mackenzie plunges the knife into the front of Orpheus’s leg, making him howl. He backhands her, causing her to slam against one of the massive trunks in the attic.
“Kenz.” I shoot a panicky look over my shoulder. Her head lifts, teary-eyed gaze meeting mine.
I wanna kill fucking Orpheus.
“What the hell is going on?” A male figure wearing a blue robe steps into the attic. He doesn’t have the black devil-horned mask on, so his handsome face is revealed. He’s tall, over six feet, his shrewd blue eyes narrowing as looks from us to Orpheus. “What are you doing? We’ve been in the woods for thirty minutes, waiting for you to join us to complete the next phase in the ritual.”