Page 59 of Bound in Darkness
I’m in shock when Orpheus pulls out of me. When I look over my shoulder, he’s holding the base of his semi-erect cock. His cold, calculating stare is locked on Chase, sending skitters of fear up and down my spine.What is he planning?
Orpheus tucks himself into the front of his pants before buttoning and zipping them. As I try to get up on all fours, he cracks me across the face, knocking me down to my stomach. Chase curses and swears, but his limbs aren’t moving at all.
The storm begins raging outside, making me tremble. Sweat beads above Chase’s upper lip as he wiggles his fingers. He looks perplexed. “My arm won’t move, Kenz.”
I try to push myself to my hands and feet, but a wave of dizziness washes over me as the thunder rumbles overhead.Oh, shit. I’m having an anxiety attack from the storm.
Focusing on my breathing, my eyes are locked on Chase, drawing strength from his presence.
With a speed someone his size shouldn’t possess, Orpheus lunges for Chase, tossing him over his shoulder and turns toward the stairs. “Say goodbye to your boyfriend, girl.”
“Chase,” I scream, my shaky cries sounding like the wind whipping through the trees, rustling the leaves.
As Orpheus’s heavy boots thud down to the stairs, I crawl behind him on my hands and knees, wincing as the wood digs into my kneecaps. It’s so dark in this fucking attic with only the strike of lightning from the approaching storm providing illumination.
Lightning crashes close by, bathing the attic in light. Orpheus stands at the bottom of the stairs, Chase thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, undoing the locks on the door.
Tears stream down my face. The panic is overwhelming me, consuming me. I can’t function like this.
“Chase,” I whimper. Internally, I’m screaming for him, but the anxiety from the storm is waging a war inside my body, diminishing my voice.
He hears me anyway. “Remember what I taught you, Kenz. Use those tools.” His voice is strong, as though he’s trying to infuse me with his strength.
The locks click and Orpheus opens the door.
“Nooo! Don’t take him!”I slowly climb to my feet, my sweaty hand gripping the banister as I plead with Orpheus.
But Orpheus doesn’t spare me a glance as he exits the attic with the only guy I’ve ever loved.
“Chhhhaaaassseee!” I wail from the depths of my soul, my knees no longer able to hold me.
The only response is the door slamming shut, the loud click of the locks reminds me of guns cocking, as I’m plunged into darkness that not even the lightning from the storm can penetrate.
I’m dimly aware of my trembling knees aching from the cold, uneven wooden floorboards. My deafening sobs fill the attic, blending in with the wind that is raging outside, shaking the windows.
No. No. No.
I can’t do this without Chase.
What the hell does Orpheus want with him? What is he going to do to him?
Horrendous thoughts overwhelm me, each one worse than the last.I’ve gotta get to him. I need to find a way out of here.
In a cruel twist of fate, the storm grows in intensity overhead. I tremble and shake, the anxiety welling up inside me. I breathe deeply, picturing the color of Chase’s eyes, his soothing voice echoing inside my head.“Breathe, Kenz. Distract yourself. Focus on me. You’ve got this.”
Feeling stronger, I stand. My trembling hand slides over the wall, feeling for the railing. When I find it, I wrap my hand around it, and slowly lower my foot until I feel the step beneath my bare feet. Releasing a breath, I murmur, “That’s one.” Picturing the staircase, I give myself a pep talk. “Only seven more to go.”
A flash of lightning illuminates the room again, guiding me through the darkness. My foot is lowering to the next step when the thunder rumbles so loudly that it breaks my concentration. Losing my balance, I panic, already visualizing the fall. It takes me a moment to realize I am falling, but when my tailbone smacks the step, it brings me back to reality. My body rushes toward the floor, my ass bouncing over the steps while my back scraps each edge the entire way to the bottom until I slam against the door.
I lay there, dazed, pain radiating through my backside. The storm rages around me, the thunder and rain pounding against the roof and windows mocking me. The occasional bursts of lightning are the only illumination I have in this creepy attic.
Lying in a crumpled heap by the door, my shallow yet audible breaths punctuate the noise of the storm. Uncontrollable sobs burst from me like a dam breaking. “Chase. I’m so damn sorry I couldn’t protect you.”
My mind spins wildly with a thousand thoughts of all the ways Orpheus may be torturing Chase.Oh God. What if he k?—
Squeezing my eyes closed, I cut off the thought. That’s the last thing I need to think about, considering I’m in this eerie dark attic, alone, during a storm.