Page 87 of Bound in Darkness
“Do you think it’s wise for us to wait, Chase? What if we tried going after Orpheus?”
I’ve been debating that but decided it’s better to hold off. For one thing, I’m trying to conserve my strength and let my injuries heal. After sustaining a concussion, I wasn’t in any position to go against a monster.
For another, Orpheus has a huge advantage. He knows us and this house. Even though Rosario knows it, she confessed to us that there are doors to rooms she’s never gone in.
My eyes meet hers and we exchange a silent look. I know the waiting is killing her, but I’m not sure I’m strong enough to run around this huge, mysterious mansion that we don’t know while Orpheus waits to ambush us.
If he wants to ascend, he’ll come after us.
More than that, his ego will ensure he does. Orpheus is not the type of monster to let our betrayal go unpunished.
It’s my turn to stand guard while Rosario and Chase sleep. I’m holding a knife in my shaking hand, nervously pacing across the floor. I’m wearing a pair of too large sweatpants that Rosario found in one of the closets. I’m able to tighten the strings enough to keep them up. I’m grateful for the front pockets that I’ve loaded with sharp implements and a few vials of sedatives.
As the night slowly drags on, the cold floor seeps through the fabric of the socks I’m wearing. Although I’m bundled up in a baggy T-shirt and oversized hoodie, it’s not enough to ward off the coldness of the exam room. The temperature seemed to drop a few degrees, and I wonder if Orpheus is controlling it from somewhere in the house, enjoying our discomfort.
As I pace in front of the door, my eyes land on Chase, who is wrapped up in a blanket, his head lying on a pillow on the floor. He’s curled on his side, his face relaxed and so damn handsome while he sleeps. His long lashes rest on his cheek, hiding the dark circles that ring his eyes when he’s awake.
These past couple of days have been the longest and most draining since we’ve been here, and that’s saying a lot. But the state of hypervigilance we’ve maintained as we anxiously await an attack by the enemy taxes our body's physical and mental strength.
“Mackenzie. Why don’t you go get a drink and use the restroom.” Rosario’s soft voice makes me jump. I whirl around, my hand on my chest, while holding the knife out. My pounding heart slows as I lower the blade.
Chase jerks awake, his sleepy, bloodshot irises latching with mine. “Come on, babe. I’ll walk with you.”
There’s a small bathroom in the back corner of the room. I could really use a splash of some warm water on my face to help calm me down.
I nod as Chase climbs to his feet, shaking his limbs out. Rosario is already up and I hand her my knife as she takes my place by the door.
Once inside the bathroom, I head to the toilet. Chase stands in the doorway, averting his eyes, even though we’ve already seen each other naked on plenty of occasions.
“Chase. You can look.”
He tilts his head against the door jam, looking at the ceiling. “No, I can’t. It’s crazy, but… I’ll get turned on if I do.”
“Oh.” My cheeks heat. I finish up and flush, then head to the sink to wash my hands. A loud rumble of thunder makes me jump. Chase turns his head, staring out the small windows in the upper part of the exam room. “It’s gonna storm.”
“Great.” Storms always make me uneasy, and right now, it’s even worse. I quickly wash my hands and grab a towel, drying them. “Just what I?—”
A loud commotion cuts me off. I stand there, frozen, my eyes on Chase. He doesn’t waste any time slipping inside the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind him. We collide in the center of the room as I run to him, and he grabs me, pushing me down beside the waste can. “He’s here. Inside the room,” Chase whispers.
My heart is pounding so hard I’m afraid I’m going to pass out. Worry and guilt twist my insides as I wonder what happened to Rosario, but I can’t ask. Not when I hear the steady thud of Orpheus’s boots coming closer to the door.
The rain begins to pelt down, hammering against the windows. The rumble of thunder is so loud, it shakes the enormous house. I clamp my hands over my mouth so I don’t scream.
The arrival of the storm signifies a change. Whatever happens tonight will alter the course of our lives. Or end them.
The door splinters apart and it flies off the hinges. Wood particles rain down around me as I cower beside Chase.
And then, I’m alone.
It happens so quickly. One minute, Chase is beside me, and the next, he’s thrown himself against Orpheus, knocking him into the wall.
The two men struggle and fight, their bodies twisting and turning in the dim bathroom light. Orpheus’s large fist flies at Chase, but he dodges it. An animalistic howl comes from Orpheus as Chase jabs a knife into Orpheus’s side. It’s a small knife that doesn’t do much damage. In a matter of seconds, Orpheus rebounded and slammed his fist into Chase’s stomach.
Do something.