Page 2 of Insidious Truths
“Answer the fucking question, Ginger. Are you pregnant?”
Still, I refused to speak.
“Is it mine?” he asked again, something strange shifting in his expression as he surveyed me even closer.
Banjo stood off to the side beside the stairs, having not moved from his spot for whatever unknown reason. When our eyes locked, he offered me a deep frown, then gave me a serious nod that had my brows furrowing in deep confusion.
“I-I don’t know,” I said honestly, utterly terrified of what Damien would do next. “I just found out. I-I don’t know how far along I am or anything.”
Damien ground his teeth for a beat or two, thinking silently to himself with the gun still pressed insanely hard against my temple.
“Make the call,” he commanded with a backwards glance at Banjo.
“I already did. She should be arriving any moment now.”
She? Who the fuck are they talking about?
Damien nodded favorably before fixing his dark gaze on Benny and Bane, who were hauling up Finn’s body and draping him backwards over their shoulders. Blood still poured from Finn’s head. The sight had my stomach curdling and within seconds I was puking my brains out all over Damien’s expensive leather shoes.
“Jesus fucking Christ.”
Damien huffed and took a step back, hastily kicking the puke off his shoes one at a time before his eyes focused on Benny and Bane again.
“You know what to do with him. Make sure Xavier Michaelson gets our message loud and clear.”
I opened my mouth as they complied, not getting a word out thanks to Damien grasping my chin hard, forbidding me to speak.
“You will not die today. Given your delicate condition, it’s appropriate you receive the important care and nourishment your body needs until stated otherwise.”
“Wh-what?” I asked, extremely befuddled by his words. “The fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“If the child is mine, you’ll do what is expected of you as a mother. You will raise our child and care for it until he or she is of appropriate age.”
“And if the baby isn’t yours?” I fearfully had to ask.
Damien offered me a grin that shot chills down my spine. “Then I’ll sell your wasteful child and ship your dismembered body parts to Xavier’s front porch!”
A deep growl thundered through my chest, my maternal instincts shooting a fatal dose of epinephrine through my veins. Not giving a single fuck about the consequence, I knocked the gun out of Damien’s hand and then inflicted a brutal punch to his balls.
He went down, and as I tried to jump to my feet and make a run for it, Damien recovered and furiously grappled my throat, squeezing so hard I was choking. The next thing I knew—it all happened so fast I could hardly process it—Banjo had Damien by the throat and against the wall, choking him just as hard as Damien was choking me.
“Back the fuck off,” Banjo growled deeply, his chest heaving. “She’s fucking pregnant, with possiblyyourchild. Another heir.”
Damien’s murderous expression never faltered even after Banjo had released him. After nodding to himself for a moment and rubbing unhappily at his throat, Damien waved a pissy hand toward me and said, “Get her out of my fucking sight.”
Banjo raced over to help me to my feet. I slapped him away, refusing to let the bastard get ahold of me.
“You fucking owe me,” he snarled snidely, but quietly in my ear. He grasped my upper forearm, tugging me up on my wobbly feet and up the stairs. It wasn’t until we reached the top and I saw two armed Outlaws posted outside the laundry room door when I realized where they’d taken me.
This was the estate. The property Damien’s parents used to own. It had to be.
Which meant that room we were in was the basement, the same place Damien held Cindy.
The same fucking place he just murdered the love of my life.
Finn… I’m so sorry, baby. I’ll avenge you.
I promise.