Page 41 of Insidious Truths
Or maybe what Sharkey had told Samara was spot on, and my fatherknewall this time I’d been conspiring against him. From now on, I had to keep my guard up and start paying better attention.
“After he…” Kitten breathed in deep, refusing to say the words. “He made me a deal. One I didn’t think he’d uphold, but he did. Before it happened, I'd asked him what the next steps were after I passed my final trial for the Ravagers. He told me it wasn’t my business. When I got angry and questioned whether or not he trusted me, he told me he’d tell me onlyifI proved my full loyalty to him.”
“And that’s when he—”
“Yes,” her broken voice whispered, her bottom lip trembling. “But you didn’t let me finish.”
“What was the deal? What did he say?”
“He told me if I proved my loyalty, he’d let me see Ginger again.”
My mouth dropped, my hands clenching into painful fists. “He has her?”
Kitten sadly nodded. “He does. I told him to give me proof she was alive and unharmed. He called someone, and a woman answered. And before you ask, I don’t know who it was. I only got to talk to Gin for barely a minute before Damien snatched the phone away and hung up.”
That. Mother. Fucker.
“But-but how? When did he—”
“The Bling brothers found her.”
Son of a fucking BITCH.
“We’re not done with this,” I said thickly, my chest heaving. “But for now, let’s skip Ginger and backtrack to my father. What did he tell you about thisattack?”
Samara scooted closer to me then, breathing in deep and letting it out, her hand on her stomach. It was hard trying to mask the fury threatening to burst free beneath my skin.
“He said that he was beingpoliteand was letting the Ravagers gather as many reinforcements as they could. But that it wouldn’t matter because thanks to Crane, Alesi, Sinclair, plus the Outlaws, his army count exceeded 200. Personally, I don’t know how many men Xavier’s rounded up. I was told I’d be meeting the crew soon, so, I won’t have a definite roundabout until then. Anyway… Crane, Alesi, and Jerimiah… the only reasonwhythey turned against Xavier is because Damien’s holding their children over their heads. Crane’s daughter is sixteen and Alesi’s is ten. Kinsley is eighteen. Damien alreadyhas Crane and Alesi’s daughters and is holding them captive, has been since sometime last year. And Kinsley… Jerimiah made a deal with Damien to send Kinsley undercover at the academy to avoid her being sold. Crane and Alesi’s kids had already been kidnapped before Jerimiah made that choice.”
Fuck NO.
He kidnapped a fucking ten-year-old!?
“Kitten,” I growled low under my breath, my chest heaving even harder.
“I know, Jace. I know. But that’s not the worst of it.”
“He kidnapped a fuckingchild.”
“Just listen to me,” she pleaded through desperate eyes. “Damien’s plan is to attack when I pass my third trial. The academy is his first target. After that, the war will flood into the streets, until Damien’s claimed every inch of the Ravagers’ territory. And then after that, he plans to kill Crane, Alesi, and Sinclair. Without their leaders nor a dependent to take reign once they’re dead, Damiencanandwillconquer the Valley and take every bit of it for himself. The rest will follow behind him if it ensures their survival.That’swhy Damien kidnapped Crane and Alesi’s kids, and why Jerimiah sent Kinsley to the academy. He’s got all of them, plus their kids, locked around the throat.”
“Kitten…” I carefully processed her words, realizing something crucial, something I wasn’t sure if she’d even realized for herself. “That’s why he targeted you. Why he killed your mother. Why he wanted you so bad. Heknowswho you are…”
My breath caught, trembling.
“Samara… He knows you’re Xavier’s daughter!”
Iwatched helplessly with my hands tugging franticly at my hair, screaming, “NOT THE TABLE,” as Phantom charged and tackled Isaac, causing them both to crash on top of the center table in our dorm, sending glass and wood splinters flying everywhere.
This was chaos.
Worse than fucking chaos.