Page 55 of Insidious Truths
The trial.
With Samurai’s condition, she won’t be ready. She won’t pass.
“We need to postpone it. Samurai needs time to heal. To train.”
“We can’t, Isaac. The date has already been set and I sent the text out to the recruits last night. It’s going down next Saturday. It’s done.”
“Then Samara isn’t participating,” I said with a stern head shake. “I won’t allow it.”
“That’s not your decision to make, Isaac. Father will be there. He wants to see the recruits in action. All of the crew will be there too.”
“So you’re really going to let Samara suffer more, after what she just went through?”
Phantom’s eyes flashed. “If it were up to me, she never would’ve been recruited. Whose fault is that, Isaac?”
I ground my teeth, seconds away from keeping my word and shoving my foot up his ass.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Do you not care about her?”
“I love her,” he sneered through gritted teeth, his body shaking. “We all do.But it doesn’t change her status as a recruit. She may be Xavier’s daughter, but that doesn’t mean he’ll show her any leniency, especially in front of Prim, Sharkey, and the crew. They don’t know who she is or how important she is.”
Before I could push the subject and really speak my fucking mind on the matter, Phantom’s phone rang.
“It's Rhett,” he gasped through a relieved breath. “Thank fuck.” Phantom put the call on speaker so I could listen in. “Hey. What’s the verdict?”
“It’s not as bad as we thought it would be. She has some slight tearing and some gnarly bruising, but she’ll heal.”
My throat tightened at the news.
“But she’s okay, right?” asked Phantom.
“She’s ‘bout as good as she can be. She’s laying down in the backseat, resting. The vet gave her a shot of antibiotics and a two-week supply of Oxycodone to help with the pain. She’s been given strict orders to take it easy for at least a week.”
I looked at Phantom then, my mouth pursed in a dark smirk. He sighed, looking torn and defeated.
“We’ll talk about things more when you get here. How long?”
“Samara hasn’t eaten, so I’m stopping by this burger joint first. Give me maybe…ten, fifteen minutes tops.”
I stared down at my samurai as she lay in bed, tucked under her blankets, my heart aching. All I wanted was to climb into bed with her and wrap my arms around her.
She’d been sleeping for hours. Rhett said the pain pills knocked her out cold. When he got back, Phantom and I were waiting in the parking lot for them. Phantom had swooped her up in his arms and didn’t put her down until we were safely back in Samara’s dorm. Our Sleeping Beauty never stirred or moved a muscle.
Rhett and Phantom weren’t here. It was just me all by my lonesome, guarding her. They wanted me to give her space, but it was physically impossible for me not to remain by her side. Unless she woke up and commanded it, I wasn’t going anywhere.
After checking on her again, I spent my time in her living room, having decided to watch some movies to pass the time. I’d just finished watching the second Equalizer movie when I heard two hard knocks bang against Samara’s door.
I’d just texted Rhett and Phantom with an update not even five minutes ago, so I knew it wasn’t them. Cautiously, I rose to my feet and approached the door, staring through the peephole. I blinked wide as I stared at Kinsley Sinclair standing on the other side, a worried look etched on her face.
What the fuck was she doing here?
“Sa-Samara? Are you there?”
I opened the door, making her stumble back in a frightened state when our eyes locked.
“I-Isaac,” she stuttered.