Page 8 of Insidious Truths
“Now, now, Samara,” she said with a shit-eating grin on her face. “You already know the answer to that question. So, with that being said, I may know certain things thatmightbe of interest to you. I’m totally willing to provide them, but you know how it is in this world we live in. Everything comes at a price. However, I need you to give me some time. I have to speak with my father first before I can reveal anything else.”
“If you want answers, then you have to trust me, Samara. I know all about your fucked-up entanglement with Damien Reyez, and at any moment I could’ve exposed you, and I didn’t. Why do you think that is?”
I blinked at her; my jaw clenched so tight I was surprised I hadn’t cracked any teeth. Now that was something I didn’t expect to hear come out of her mouth.
“I don’t know. Why?”
“Let’s just say that your life isn’t the only one on the line here. If you want the truth, therealtruth, then I need you to confide in me, and me alone. This is important, Samara. The Ravagerscan’tknow I’m helping you.”
“And why the hell not?” I asked, raising two skeptical brows at her.
“Because I’m not so sure if they know the full truth about your father. If they do, then I wouldn’t count on them growing their balls large enough to tell you.Nobody elsecan know about this, Samara. This has to stay between us. In the meantime, I have one last question to ask you.”
I said nothing as I watched Kinsey rise to her feet and extend her manicured hand to me.
“Deal… or no deal?”
My body yet again jerked awake in a panicked gasp, and immediately my hand shot up to nurse the spot that conniving bitch stuck a needle in. In Lena’s defense, I did try to attack her the instant she stepped out of the limo. After all these years, I suppose having the balls to drug me proved one out of two main things. Not only was the bitch smart, but to stoop that fucking low meant she’d moved on to more darker and heinous things.
I was sitting on a queen-sized bed with lavender scented blankets, and as I gazed around, taking in the posh interior of the room I was in, my eyes froze on a food cart resting beside the bed, with a different assortment of fruits, meats, cheeses, and crackers loaded in towers on top of it. My stomach grumbled, knowing the innocent occupant tucked away all cozy and warm inside my uterus needed the nutrients. Praying none of this yummy looking food was drugged, I dove in and began devouring the homemade Lunchables.
On the bottom of the cart was a jug of what looked like tea with an empty glass resting beside it. There wasn’t any ice, but my throat was so damn dry, as long as I had something to drink, I didn’t really give two fucks less about the liquid temperature.
“Good. You’ve made yourself at home.”
I was so busy stuffing my face that I hadn’t realized someone had entered the room, much less that someone had spoken to me until I craned my head to the side and saw a woman standing behind me. When I realized it was Lena, I dropped the food I was holding and jumped to my feet, adamant on clawing her fucking eyes out.
“I don’t think so,” she growled, halting me in my tracks when she pulled a gun from behind her and aimed it at my head. I raised my hands, my body shaking with fury.
“Yeah,” I said, finally replying to her earlier comment. “Long time no fucking see,Lena.”
Lena Montgomery, the woman standing before me, was my friend, or at least I thought she was. She’d played me for a fool. Taken advantage of me when she knew I needed help. She was the reason I became enslaved to the Outlaws.
Ten years ago, not long after I’d turned eighteen and graduated high school, my parents kicked me out. I was homeless. I grew up in a very stern, old-fashioned household and had been told since grade school that once I turned eighteen and graduated, I’d be on my own and would have to fend for myself. Of course, when that time came, I thought all I’d have to do was get a job, start chipping in on bills, and provide my own food. Boy, was I fucking wrong. I never thought for one second my parents would actually toss me flat on my ass the dayaftergraduation.
I roamed the streets for months. I used to walk around covered in dirt from head to fucking toe, carrying a sign with a little pathetic paper cup and a backpack strapped around my boneyshoulders, begging people who were purposely trying not to lock eyes with the homeless street rat for money just so I could survive. I used to sleep in alleys behind dumpsters and at times, was forced to rob people just so I could eat, and break into hotel rooms so I could shower. Desperation had taken its toll, and I’d even gone as far as prostituting myself with a stank pussy, body—the whole disgusting package.
But then all of that changed when Lena came into my life.
When I first met her, I thought she was a prostitute. The way she was dressed when she randomly approached me on the streets literally screamed the profession. She claimed she was on her way to work and had offered me salvation from her home in the form of food, fresh clothes, and a shower. I was reluctant at first because at the time, I was still just a kid, and I was honestly scared out of my mind. She’d promised not to hurt me and that she only wanted to help, so I agreed and let her take me to her place. I stayed with her for a whole week, had gotten to know her, told her my whole fucking life story, everything. I thought we’d become friends. On day eight, I’d awoken in the middle of the night to a hand covering my mouth and a small group of masked men hovering over me. It turned out the bitch worked for Damien Reyez’s father, who at the time, led the Outlaws. Lena handed me right over to those bastards. I was nothing but a fucking paycheck to herandthem.
Lena slightly winced at the fire and absolute rage in my tone, then shrugged it off like it wasn’t a big deal.
“You look good, given the circumstances.” She cocked her head to the side, giving me a brief head-to-toe sweep, her glossed lips pursed in a smirk. “Hell, if I’m being totally honest here, I truly thought you would’ve been long dead by now.”
“Where the fuck am I?” I asked, glaring through the weapon and deep into her menacing eyes.
“My home,” she stated firmly, calmly. “And you’ll remain here, guarded, until further notice.” Lena kept her eyes padlocked on me as she reached deep inside the side pocket in her dress and pulled out a cup wrapped in plastic, the same ones used for urine samples at doctor appointments and for drug tests. I caught it with one hand when she tossed it over to me and dropped her loaded arm down to her side. “I need you to piss in that.”
“And you can go fuck yourself,” I hatefully chided.
Lena sighed and then raised the weapon high again. “Look, Ginger, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. I love my new home, you see, and thelastfucking thing I want to do is stain my beautiful carpet in brains and blood. Damien says you’re possibly pregnant and has given me strict orders to verify this pregnancy. So, you can either piss in the cup, or you can simply fucking die. The choice is yours.”