Page 39 of Keep in Touch
Lucie waved back sheepishly. Warmth spread across her chest, replacing the earlier ache. The butterflies were back too, and she didn’t curse their presence, because she’d missed them.
“You’re seriously lying to Dad and bringing me into it for a guy? And he’s not just any guy, but the one I already warned you about. He has a reputation for a reason. You’re so out of character right now, Lucie.” Emma grunted.
Chris was close, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he waited patiently with hunched shoulders and his hands in his pockets.
“I thought you were better than this,” Lucie said, letting her confidence rise. “Don’t you dare judge him when you don’t know him. I decided to lie, and he had nothing to do with it. He’s not perfect, but neither are you or me, and our parents are so far beyond perfect, however hard they pretend in front of others.” She pointed in the direction they’d gone.
Emma dropped her voice, her eyes softening as she shared a rare moment of vulnerability. “He’s going to hurt you.”
Lucie faked a smile and took a slow breath. “We’re mates hanging out,” Lucie whispered back. She wanted so much more from him. “Besides, isn’t it time a guy broke my heart? I want to experience life, and that might mean making bad decisions and lying and getting into trouble. But isn’t that what you wanted for my holiday and my eighteenth? Didn’t you want me to live a little?”
Emma shrugged. “Stay safe, yeah?”
Lucie smiled. “Cross my heart.”
Emma jumped at her, forcing her into a hug. “If you have anxiety issues, head back to our lodge. You’ll be okay there, and Jess’s parents left one of the keys hidden on the locked bike so you can get in if you need to.”
“Thanks, Emma. I love you.”
“Love you too,” Emma replied before turning to glare at Chris. She walked away without a goodbye.
As Lucie looked at Chris, a squeal of excitement tried to force its way out of her mouth, but she squeezed her throat and faked a cough to keep it in.
Chris stared at her, fidgeting and shoving his toes into the sand repeatedly. Was he nervous?
A shiver crept up Lucie’s arms. Prepared for the heat, she’d worn a T-shirt with shorts, but his presence gave her a chill. Chris came back for her. Her behaviour yesterday could have been enough to keep him away for good, but it hadn’t.
Lucie took a deep breath and stepped closer to Chris. The softness in his eyes stopped her from running in the other direction.
“Hey,” she said, relieved it hadn’t come out as a croak.
“Hey,” he replied. They stared at each other in silence. Birds tweeted from the trees, and the sun heated her bare arms, but his green eyes distracted her from everything else around them.
“I’m glad you’re here,” she said, reaching to yank on her ponytail before letting it fall through her fingers.
“I wasn’t sure you wanted to see me again. I thought you’d tell me to get lost after yesterday. I’m sorry for pushing you about studying law at university.” He fumbled with his rucksack strap.
“Don’t apologise,” she replied with a shrug of her shoulders. “I wanted to see you, and I’m kinda embarrassed by the way I reacted. I’m sorry too.”
“You don’t need to apologise. Wow, listen to us.” He closed the gap between them, his smile growing. For a moment, they stared at each other. Jitters filled Lucie’s belly, and she fought the temptation to lick her dry lips.
“Chris, I—” But what could she say?
Numerous questions tumbled through her consciousness, but she couldn’t get them out. So instead, she squeaked, “Nothing. It’s nothing.”
“Oh, and happy birthday! That should have been the first thing I said.” He slapped his forehead with his palm. “I got you a card and a present.”
Her face heated quickly. Yesterday was quickly forgotten. It would be her first card from a guy she fancied. Was this a dream? “You didn’t need to.”
“I wanted to. The card is in my bag, but the present is an activity. But you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, although it’s going to be amazing. We’ve got to go now, or we’ll be late. Do you trust me?” Chris asked quickly. He gave his rucksack another shove and held out his hand.
Lucie stared down at his hand. It was getting harder to predict which were good decisions and which were going to get her hurt. What did Chris have planned? Her belly jolted. She barely knew him. But he’d shown so much of himself and gifted her the confidence to try. She had to trust him, didn’t she?
Be the exception.
She slipped her hand in his and let go of all the things that might stop her.