Page 42 of Keep in Touch
Her heart thudded, and there was a tremble in her legs that she couldn’t hide, but it was the good version of fear, like at the top of the hill. It was as if her body was excited, not terrified.
“Okay,” the instructor replied. “Which one of you is going first?”
Chapter Twenty-Five
With one last wary look at Lucie, Chris grabbed the zip-wire rope and jumped off the board.
As gravity carried him farther away, he turned in her direction. He was too far in the distance for her to recognise any facial expressions, but she imagined the thoughts running through his mind, as they were probably the same ones going through hers.
She’d encouraged Chris to go first because she needed longer to compose herself. With Chris, she’d gained so much, but she refused to do something just to impress a guy, even one like him. It had to be for her. It was time to prove to her dad, the girls at school, and everyone else who’d doubted her who she was. Maybe if she could do this, then she’d have the confidence to talk to her dad about art college and talk to Chris about how she felt about him. After all, what was scarier than letting go while jumping off a high-up wooden platform?
“Are you ready?” the instructor asked.
“Already? He’s been gone for like ten seconds!” Lucie exclaimed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout that.”
“It’s okay, you’re allowed to shout,” the instructor joked. She beckoned Lucie forward and attached the clips and ropes. “It’s been five minutes.”
“Oh,” Lucie blushed. “I’m a bit nervous.”
She expected sarcasm from the instructor, but instead, the instructor leaned in and said, “I get nervous when I do it, and I’ve been on this zip wire hundreds of times. It’s supposed to be a bit frightening, because if it weren’t, then the rush wouldn’t be as huge. It’s a good kind of stress. Trust me when I say that you’re going to love it.”
Up until this weekend, Lucie hadn’t trusted anyone except her family. But meeting Chris, trying all these new experiences, andthen how Jess’s parents spoke to her that morning was changing her. There were many good people in the world if she allowed herself to be open to them.
“I hope so,” Lucie said, the expanse of sky in front of her.
“And if you don’t, then you can find me and shout at me,” she joked. “I’m Asha, by the way.”
Lucie laughed as she stepped closer. Asha needed to prepare her for the jump. “Nice to meet you. I’m Lucie.”
Lucie appreciated the way Asha explained what every clip and strap did. It helped alleviate some of her nerves, although she continued to shake. Vomit climbed up to her throat with each clink of metal.
“And your boyfriend will be waiting for you at the bottom. So if you get scared, close your eyes and imagine him cheering you on,” Asha added.
Chris wasn’t her boyfriend, but she didn’t correct her. The idea that he was at the bottom, hollering in celebration, was a great motivation.
All the safety equipment was in place, and there was nothing else to delay the jump. Lucie stood on the edge and listened to Asha’s last instructions.
“Ready when you are,” she said.
Lucie swallowed nervously. Chris had helped her across the ropes course, and he was worried about her as he jumped off the board.
You can do this.
Be the exception, Lucie.
She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and jumped.
Air escaped from between her lips as gravity took her. It was slow at first. Why had she been so nervous? But it wasn’t long before she gathered speed, and tentatively, she opened her eyes and marvelled at the blue sky surrounding her. It may have been daytime, but at her height, she imagined reaching for thestars. Maybe it was time to change the world too. She giggled to herself.
Hanging from the wire, she found herself turning 180 degrees. Where she’d jumped from appeared far away. It was as if she was staring back at the past version of herself from before this weekend. She gave it a little wave and laughed.
The wind chilled her ears, and she pulled up her legs to stop from catching the trees with her feet. She flew past the fir trees that she’d had no chance of touching and giggled. The water was calm from up here, and for a moment, the ripples from canoe paddles transfixed her. Then, she spotted the pancake house and where she and Chris had the sand incident. It wasn’t a full two days ago, and yet so much had happened.
Metal slid across metal. The swing of Lucie’s legs made her dizzy, but she kept her eyes open, refusing to miss any part of the journey. The wire took her past the activities beach with yellow and red canoes lined up. A group of teenagers on boats shouted hello as she flew over them. She called hello back, realising that they were the same gang she’d been scared of on the beach on Friday. A bird soared in the distance.
Trees surrounded her again, and she bounced slightly on the zip wire.
“Yeah!” she hollered as the end board and the second instructor came into view. Cheers echoed around her as she neared the end. She quickly turned. Chris jumped up and down, his arms waving in the air.