Page 17 of Bloom
Lina looked between us and beamed. “This is so much fun.”
“You know,” I said, trying to recoup some dignity. “I’m not that much of a lost cause. I’ve been on some dates...”
They both stared at me, knowing it was a big fat lie, and at least they had the decency not to laugh.
“I’ve just been busy,” I added.
Robbie grimaced and made a weird hand gesture to my body. “Do we need anywhere else waxed?—”
“Oh my god!” I said. “We are not discussing that. He either likes me just as I am, or he doesn’t like me.”
Lina did a fist pump. “Yes!” But then she relented. “Though a little manscaping is never a bad thing.”
“Oh my god.” This was horrifying. “Can we please never talk about this ever again? Ever. I beg of you. Actually,” I said, raising my chin. “As your boss, I forbid it. A new workplace rule. Effective immediately.”
Robbie snorted and Lina bounced up on her toes. “You’re going on a date! I’m so excited for you.”
I sighed.
It was going to be a long few days.
Robbie’s ideaof getting me an outfit was basically bringing his boyfriend along. Tan was a pocket-sized tornado of a guy, and between the two of them, I was shoved in and out of changerooms with armfuls of clothes until they approved.
It was likeQueer Eye,only worse. Between Tan appraising me up and down with his finger to his chin and Robbie either giving a nod of approval or a squint ofew, no, I was now the new owner of three new complete outfits; and a few hundred dollars poorer.
The haircut wasn’t much better.
They forced me into the salon chair where Robbie waved his hand in my general vicinity and told a very amused Charlotte to “Please fix this.”
Which she did, I will admit.
She was very good, and lovely, and she clearly adored Robbie and Tan.
I envied Robbie’s confidence but also his place in the queer community. He had friends everywhere and he was social, just living his best life. He did things on weekends, he organised group things for fellow gays, and his social calendar was fully booked.
Whereas I went home every night, exhausted. And alone.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved my life. I loved my business; it was my passion. I’d worked hard to make it successful. I took that risk all those years ago, and it had paid off.
But there was a social cost.
Seeing the full life Robbie and Tan were living made me want that too.
So if this date with Linden didn’t go anywhere, maybe I was ready to put myself back out there.
Maybe it was time.
And when Charlotte removed the cape and asked my reflection if I approved, I gave her a smile and a nod. “Looks great.”
I was tidied up, probably as good as I’d ever get, and as ready as I’d ever be.
And I had to admit, it did feel kinda nice.
After buying Robbie and Tan some dumplings as thanks, I took my bags of clothes and went home.
To my small apartment in the city. It was close to my store, close to restaurants and supermarkets, and all I’d needed these last few years.
It was also kinda dull, and there wasn’t much of anything that said it was my place.