Page 30 of Bloom
I was grinning like a fool. “Okay.”
“You know, I was also thinking,” he said. “And this is kinda random, so take it for what you will. About my place. It needs some life too. And after Robbie and Tan forced me to go clothes shopping and get a haircut for my new foray into the dating pool, I realised my flat is kinda dull. There’s no me here, if that makes sense.”
“It makes perfect sense.”
“I’ve just been so busy, ya know?” He sighed. “I’ve focused so much on my shop, I forgot to focus on me too.”
I really liked his honesty. “What do you have in mind? You know I’m a shopping expert, right?”
He laughed. “Yes, but I don’t want you to think of me as work.”
“I wouldn’t.”
“Well, maybe I could start small,” he said. “And I could get a plant tomorrow too.”
“Don’t you have plants? I thought you said you did.”
He snorted. “Would you believe I have only two?”
“I wouldn’t believe that, no.”
“It’s true.”
“Are we going to Bunnings for our second date?” I asked. “And IKEA? Because I would one hundred percent be on board with that.”
He chuckled, but before he could answer, the plant I wanted was on the screen.
“Ooh, that plant! That’s the one I want.”
“Pothos,” he said. “They’re great.”
“Are they easy to keep? Or am I signing its death certificate when I bring it home?”
He laughed. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
I sighed, genuinely perplexed. “So tell me, how does a florist not have a hundred plants in his house?”
“Okay, well, a hundred would be a lot. I have two. Oh, no, three. There’s an English ivy in my bathroom. It basically survives on the steam and humidity from the shower. I’ve had it for years and honestly, I forgot I even had it.”
“Poor English ivy.”
“She a fighter.”
“Maybe I should get myself one of those.”
“We can look tomorrow. When we go to Bunnings.”
I laughed. “Is it super lame that I’m excited about that?”
“Not at all.” It sounded like he was smiling as wide as I was. “Oh, look, they’re doing house renovations. Opening the living space by removing a wall. So simple. Until some idiot tries that with a load-bearing wall and the roof caves in. Did you know the success of Bunnings is partly due to shows like this enabling DIY home renovations that then require extensive fixing?”
I laughed. “Well, they get the income from the DIY people, then from the tradespeople who have to fix it. They have the market sewn up.”
“True. And I’ve just realised after saying all that that I’m further into my middle-aged era than I thought. I’m almost at the get-off-my-lawn stage.” I laughed and he sighed. “There may be no hope for me. Save yourself while you can.”
“We could be the new trendsetters for Fabulous Gays Under Thirty. Instead of sex parties, we can have Bette Midler movie marathons with heated blankets and pizza.”
“Bette Midler?”