Page 39 of Bloom
“Very small.” He held up the tiny plant. “Like Sprout.” Then he looked at a fern. “Ooh, I like this one too. How big will she grow?”
It was a maidenhair fern and apparently a she. “She’ll grow better if she’s hanging or on a windowsill. Her limbs and leaves will hang down.”
“Like Rapunzel?” He smiled at the plant. “Rapunzel, I love you already.”
I grinned at him. I had to wonder if I’d stopped yet. “Perfect.”
“Now you have to pick one for your place. And give it a name. No pressure to be as cool as mine though.”
I looked at the tables of plants and found a philodendron. “This one,” I declared.
Linden pouted. “Yours is bigger than my little Sprout.”
“Should I get a seedling too, so they can grow at the same time?”
He picked up a tiny pot with a seedling the same size as his and grinned as he handed it to me. “This one. They can go to little plant day care together.”
I laughed. This was so absurd... and so much fun. “Deal.”
“And a name?”
I looked at the little plant, which really was no more than a sprout. “Hmm, she looks like an Elizabeth.”
“Oh, okay, wow.”
“Is there something wrong with the name Elizabeth?”
“No, it’s perfect. I just wasn’t expecting such a traditional name.” He looked around. “I think I want a bigger one too. One that’s more established so it creates the aesthetic I want. As cute as little Sprout is, and I’m sure he’ll grow up big and strong. But I want greenery.”
I showed him a bigger version. “Like this one?”
“Yes, perfect. And this one,” he said, pointing to a calathea. “It’s really pretty.”
“Okay, names first.”
“Hmm,” he said, studying the bigger pothos seriously. “Leonardo.”
Okay then. “Uh, the artist or the Ninja Turtle?” Then I considered something else. “Or DiCaprio?”
He laughed. “I was going with da Vinci, but the Ninja Turtle could work.”
I lifted the frond on the calathea. “And this one?”
“He’s a Peter for sure.”
I snorted. Of course he was a Peter.
I found a nice rotundifolia. “And I’ll take this one too.”
“And the name?”
“Elizabeth and Sebastian. Nice.”
“Are you mocking my name choices?”
He put his hand to his heart. “Absolutely not. But what I am saying is that if we ever get a cat, I shall be the one naming it.”