Page 5 of Bloom
It certainly explained why he came in here with a list of research.
“That sounds fascinating, actually. Bet you’ve seen some crazy things.”
His eyes went wide. “So many things,” he said with a nod. “All of which my NDAs prohibit me from telling you.”
I chuckled. “I am absolutely not surprised by that. But it does explain why you have such impeccable taste.”
He gave me a cute little nose-scrunch smile. “Thank you.”
“So, are you also billing your ex for your time today?” I asked.
He seemed confused for a moment. “I wasn’t. Why do you ask?”
“Just wondering how long you wanted this order to take. Are you paid per hour or per job?”
His smile was slow spreading. “I do like the way you think, Keats McCulloch. Maybe I should send him a bill.”
“Maybe you should.” I leaned in closer and whispered, “And send him a bill for any fees the clinic charged you.”
He grabbed my arm and inhaled deeply. “I love this. My villain era will be my best yet.”
I burst out laughing. Villain era.
This guy was funny. Andreallycute.
Lina brought the first finished bouquet to the counter where we were. It was the largest of the two and she’d added greeneryand a black ribbon. It was truly striking, despite the message it gave.
“Oh, this is perfect,” Linden said wistfully. “It’s almost a shame to waste them on him.”
He paid, and I handed him my business card. “If you ever need to tell someone else they’re dead to you, just give me a call.”
It wasn’t lost on me that I was giving him a card with my mobile phone number on it, and when his eyes shot up to mine, maybe it wasn’t lost on him either. “You know, I just might,” he replied.
Lina cleared her throat. “Robbie’s busy. You’ll need to deliver these yourself,” she said to me, then went to the door and held it open. Her cheeky smirk told me she knew exactly what she was doing.
So, armed with one bouquet each, we headed towards the salon.
“Are you sure you want to deliver this with me?” he asked. “I didn’t think the boss did deliveries.”
“Absolutely. I want to see his face. And I don’t expect my staff to do anything I wouldn’t do.”
He smiled at that. “I like you, Keats McCulloch.”
When we got to the salon, he took a deep breath and pushed the door in with his butt, giving me a winning smile as he did. “Here goes nothing.”
I followed him in. The salon itself was very upmarket and fancy, with marble and black accents. Linden slid the huge bouquet onto the reception desk and the owner, Linden’s soon-to-be ex, came out, inspecting the flowers. His expression was curious, a little concerned, maybe even a little put off.
“Green and black is a... bold choice,” he sniffed. Then the douche looked me up and down with as much distaste as he did the flowers, then back to the bouquet. “I mean, they’rebeautiful... I guess. I’ll have to look up what these flowers mean before I decide if I love them.”
With a laugh, I handed Linden the other bouquet and clapped his arm. “You deserve so much better,” I said, and I walked out into the warm spring sunshine.
Yep. Today was a great day.
Chapter Two
Linden Acres
It’d beena busy two weeks since the official break up with Jason. Busy, productive, which was a good thing. I wasn’t even sad about it. In fact, I felt a little empowered.