Page 55 of Bloom
He laughed, pulling at my shirt and trying to undo my jeans.
It was a scramble to get us both undressed and I kept trying to convince myself to slow down, but my body wouldn’t listen.
Neither would my heart.
This was all happening so fast. I was falling in love with him and that should have scared me, but as I finally pushed into his body, sinking all the way, it was too late.
I wasn’t just falling in love with him. I’d already fallen.
And as he clung to me, the way he gasped and whined and arched his back... and the way he looked at me—his eyes full of pleading and wonder—I was certain he felt the same.
The way he breathed my name as I slid in and out, driving up into him. The way his legs hooked around my back so he could take all of me.
The way he held my face and pulled my mouth to his when I came. The way he groaned into my mouth and shuddered beneath me as I filled the condom inside him.
I’d already fallen. All the way down.
He filled every corner of my mind. His smile, his smell, his laughter. Even when I was driving to the flower market at five o’clock the next morning, on far less sleep than I was used to. When I arrived back at the shop and unloaded my van with Robbie and Lina.
All I could think about was him.
Robbie put a coffee in my hand and gave me an odd look as he carried a box inside, and later he snapped his fingers at me.
“Oh my god,” he said.
I shook my head of all things Linden to find Robbie and Lina both staring at me. I was sitting at the service counter where I was supposed to be processing the day’s orders. I must have zoned out.
“Jesus,” Robbie said. “You do have it bad.”
I groaned out a laugh. I didn’t care that my face went red, I didn’t care that this was far too premature, and I didn’t care that they both knew. “I do. I can’t help it. He’s...” I shook my head. “He’s so great.”
Robbie pursed his lips and gave me an up and down. “What time did he leave your place last night? You look tired, but you have that sex glow I’ve never seen on you.”
Lina whacked him. “That’s not a sex glow. That’s an I’m-in-love glow.”
I buried my face in my hands. “You’re both right?” God, this was embarrassing. “But he didn’t leave my place. I left his. At eleven last night.”
Lina did a little happy jump. “Eeee! I’m so happy for you!”
Robbie was still staring. “You’re in love with him? Already? It’s been three weeks.”
“I know,” I said, agreeing with what he was implying. “I know! It’s too much, too soon. We’re going to crash and burn because this can’t be sustainable, but oh my god, he’s... he’s...” I sighed, still smiling. “Perfect.”
“There is no such thing as too soon,” Lina said. “When the heart knows, the heart knows.”
I nodded, but I couldn’t ignore Robbie’s scepticism. From one gay guy to another. “You’ve never fallen in love the second you saw someone?”
“Every Friday night,” he replied. “But that’s not love. That’s lust and drugs.”
I rolled my eyes. “You love Tan.”
“I was coerced into that,” he said, sniffing the air. “Consider it Stockholm syndrome-ish, and I’m the victim here. He cast a magic spell on me or something.”
I snorted. “Yeah. I remember.”
Robbie had technically refused Tan’s advances at first, and he’d tried to act indifferent, but theirs was a clear case of Tan fell first, Robbie fell harder because Robbie was so in love with Tan it was ridiculous. Even now, hestilldotes on him, gives him every single thing he wants, and is fiercely protective of him.