Page 63 of Bloom
“Oh, Keats, that’s wonderful news. Who is he?”
“Ah, no names yet. Or I will jinx myself. It’s only very early days. It’s too early to be telling you, probably. Definitely.” I was regretting saying anything at all.
“How early?” Mum asked.
“Well, just a few weeks, Mum. A handful of dates.”
“You’ve been single a long time.”
“Yeah, thanks for the reminder.”
She laughed. “I didn’t mean that in a bad way. What I’m saying is just enjoy it, love. It might be so new and exciting because you’ve been single so long, but that doesn’t make it any less real. I’m just glad you’re happy.”
I sighed, now not regretting telling her so much. “Thanks, Mum.”
“So what does he do?”
“No details.”
“Where did you meet him? One of those online sex apps, I suppose. It’s what young people do these days.”
“Oh my god, no, Mum. Please don’t.” I cringed. “It wasn’t an app. He came into my store.”
“Ooh, meeting someone the old-fashioned way.”
“Okay, Mum, no more details. I don’t want to jinx it.”
“Well, just let us know when you want to bring him around for dinner?—”
Good lord.
“Mum, it’s a bit early for that, I think.”
We might have used the word boyfriends last night, but that still wasn’t officially confirmed, and even then, meeting parents was a whole new level of commitment.
She sighed. “Well, I’m glad you’re happy, that’s all. I hope it works out.”
“Same, Mum. Same. I’m trying not to get too invested.” Then I sighed. “I better get back inside. We’re busy. Tell Dad I said hi.”
“I will. Oh, and don’t forget it’s your sister’s birthday next week.”
I’d totally forgotten. “I didn’t forget.”
“Okay, love. I’m glad I called. Take care.”
“Bye, Mum.”
I pocketed my phone and went back inside. Robbie was talking to a customer, and I knew he was due for deliveries so I intervened so he could leave.
And I got so busy with work for the rest of the afternoon, I hadn’t had a chance to think about anything else until we closed the front door to the shop.
We packed up, cleaned up, and I thanked both Lina and Robbie for being so great, not just today but for always being so great. Lina was all sweet smiles as she dragged Robbie out, because he was looking at me as if I’d sprouted a second head.
Maybe I’d been grumpier than I’d realised these last few years.
Maybe my now-permanent smile scared him. Maybe me whistling along to the music playlist was a bit much today.
I couldn’t even bring myself to care.