Page 1 of Forbidden Encore
Chapter One
14 years old
My birthday.
Today of all days, I just wanted to be a normal teenage girl, but he’s already taken that away from me. I know my uncle Cliff means well and feels that it’s his duty to give me all the best things after losing my parents, but this isn’t it. When my mom and dad left me in his care in their will, I highly doubt what they wanted was for their daughter to be dressed up and paraded around music executives like a doll. I know I shouldn’t complain. I know that this music career has already provided me with a house, clothes, food, and stardom. I’ve only been in the business for a year, but after my last single went viral, I’ve been getting more and more attention, and not always the best kind. Which is another reason my birthday party has turned into a networking event for Uncle Cliff and myself. I need a music label. Security. Someone to guide and look out for my image and handle any rumors about me in the mediaor online. Like the current article claiming I have an eating disorder.
“Try and smile.” Uncle Cliff hides his words behind a smile and a nod at one of the guests, who I believe owns a recording studio.
“How much longer do I need to stay?” I try and keep my voice strong, but in reality, the socialization is getting to me. Not to mention the depressing feeling that this is how I’m spending my special day.
When my parents were alive, my mom would have made me breakfast and taken me to school. Then when they got home from work, we would have gone to our favorite pizza joint for dinner and an ice cream sundae while they sang “Happy Birthday.” Now I’m under a microscope and dressed in a soft pink dress that makes me look like a walking loofa.
“Ocean, try and be more thankful. Do you know how many strings I had to pull and the begging I had to do to get some of these people here tonight? Booker Townsend is even coming. If you signed with him, our lives would be golden.” My uncle shakes his head like he’s disappointed in me for not considering all of the things we could be offered soon.
My head falls and I will myself to wash down the disappointment I feel. I really can’t take the time to feel bad for myself. Uncle Cliff is right. I need to be represented by a prestigious music label in order to move to the next level. Not only for my own future and career goals but also because I owe it to my uncle. He gave up his life and his dreams of owning his own company and living the single guy life to move here and raise me when my parents died. I’m not stupid. I can see that my uncle is a good-looking guy and he’s only in his late thirties. He could have an entirely different life, but I stole his chances. It’s up to me to pay him back. I do owe him.
“Oh shit. He’s here and walking over.” My uncle sucks in a breath and my head snaps up. Sure enough, the older man’s face that is currently featured on every music magazine in the country is walking toward us. He actually came to my birthday party.
“Good evening, Cliff. Thanks for the invite,” Booker Townsend drawls in his southern accent.
“The pleasure is all ours, Mr. Townsend. Thanks for coming to my niece’s birthday.” My uncle wraps his arm around my shoulders and gives me a side hug.
Mr. Townsend’s gaze falls to me and I put on my biggest, happiest smile. “Yes, thank you so much for celebrating with us.”
My voice is as sugary sweet as I can make it. The man’s eyes turn shrewd as they travel from my dark pink pumps, up my legs, over my dress, to the thick curls of my hair lying around my shoulders. It’s a full perusal and I swear I see dollar signs in his eyes by the time he’s focused on my face again.
“I wouldn’t miss the chance to celebrate your...” He looks up and over to the banner on the wall in the back. “Fourteenth birthday. What a special age.”
It isn’t really, but I keep my thoughts to myself. I give him a polite nod of thanks before he and my uncle exchange cards, and he makes an appointment to meet us at his office in the city tomorrow. I watch as he walks away, his broad back creating a path through the crowd as everyone turns to move for him, shaking hands, and exchanging business information.
“I can’t believe it,” my uncle whispers, and I turn to watch him. He’s turning the business card over and over in his palm. “I knew he was interested in your voice, but this, this is like the ultimate golden ticket. He’s going to sign you. I know it. He has to.”
My hands clench at my sides. I want this too. Not for the same reasons as my uncle, but for my own selfish ones. I wantto experience being free. I want to have control over my music and my image. With someone backing me, I can have that. Right now, on my own, I’m barely staying afloat and dodging rumors left and right. You’d think adults would have something better to do than pick on a young girl, but they have been some of the most vicious about my looks and my age.
“Can I be excused now?” I ask, and my uncle barely glances at me. He is still watching Mr. Townsend through the crowd.
“Sure. Nice job, kid.” He bops me on the shoulder before walking away.
I glance around, and once again, no one really notices me. It might be my birthday, but they aren’t here to see me. I pass a waiter holding a tray of champagne and almost stagger when he hands me one. “I can’t have that.” I shake my head, and he smiles.
“Like anyone here really cares. Wouldn’t be the first time an underage celebrity drank.”
I let my gaze slide past him to the other server, who is holding cut pieces of birthday cake. I don't even bother to excuse myself before walking over to her.
“Piece, Miss?” she asks and holds out one of the small, dainty little plates.
“I’m taking the tray,” I tell her and grab it from her hands. I ignore her whiney voice calling for me to come back on my way up to my room. It's my birthday. I should be allowed all the cake I want.
Chapter Two
15 years old…
Rise to Fame!