Page 10 of Forbidden Encore
Seemingly satisfied she turns back to the stage, her shoulders now relaxed and a simple smile playing on her pink lips. The room soon falls silent and dark and she’s called onto the stage. Ocean moves gracefully across the area to the guest chair and takes a seat. She’s become so natural at making everyone in the room feel like she is solely focused on them. I can tell from the sighs and the smiles in the crowd that they love her. The talk show host is even mesmerized by her and only uses her best storylines and images for the interview. Only once does her gazefind me before looking back to Ocean before commenting about how far she’s come. Pride swells in my chest.
“And what comes next for you, Ocean? You’ve been so busy preparing for your tour, making new music, and doing charity work. How about dating? Has anyone caught your eye?”
My hands fist inside my pockets and I have to force myself to breathe in and out. She’s young and in the entertainment business; I’m not sure why this is always brought up in her interviews. I shoot the host a hard, sarcastic smile when she looks at me again.
“I have been very busy doing what makes me happy and what I find enjoyment in. This time of my life just isn’t right for finding someone I want to be serious with.”
Once again, Ocean answers flawlessly. Pride and resentment battle inside my body for space. Her words shouldn’t cut; they aren’t meant for me. She has no idea the obsession I have for her. I’m also the one who coached her on how to answer.
Before I know it, the hour-long segment is coming to a close, and Ocean walks back across the stage, right to me. As always, I tuck her hand in my arm and lead her back to her dressing room, keeping her body shielded with mine. Beth is waiting at the door and helps her inside while I go and thank the production manager, the host and work crew. By the time I’m done, Ocean is dressed more comfortably and ready to leave. Kyle, Theo and myself escort her out to the waiting vehicle. I jump in the back with Ocean and Beth while Theo sits up front. Kyle gets in the car behind us and trails us to the hotel.
“You did amazing, Oce.” Beth and Theo congratulate her and talk about the interview. For the few minutes we’re moving through the city and Ocean is surrounded in protection, I take my phone out and go over my messages and plans for this weekend’s double night show, which is part of the reason for the interview today.
I’ll be in tonight. Booker is trying to reach you.
It’s the first text that greets me followed by a slew of others from Booker Townsend and one from my uncle. My molars grind and my hand tightens on my phone. I know what they all want and I am so far from being ready to give in.
You can’t renew your contract again. I already renewed it on the six-month term when you should have been done, and on the one year. You have three months left. You need to start the termination paperwork.
It's been a year, Ezra. Her performance, her social media, is all operating well. The world loves her.
I have a new client I need you to take.
Ezra, this isn't up for debate. You will be removed from Ms. Heart’s handler position or you’ll be in breach of contract.
What contract?
The one I just signed with Clifford Heart. He’s ready to take more on as her manager now that the mess has been sorted.
I scoff under my breath. I can feel red, hot anger creeping up my neck. My tie feels too tight. The dress shirt is too constraining, and suddenly, the closed space of the SUV cab is making me feel claustrophobic. Fucking Clifford Heart. I wish I could take care of him for good, to keep him away from Ocean. I’m sure he does want more control. He’s been slowly losing it since I jumped on board. I can’t even tell Booker about the extent of Cliff’s issues because then he’ll know I had him investigated. It was on my own dime, but he’ll see it as a betrayal of trust. That I didn’t trust his judgment. But when it comes to my girl, I trust no one but me.
I swipe on my uncle’s text, hoping it's the answer I wanted. A different way I can make this all work out.
I’m willing to help you put some down, but you’ll have to come up with the rest of the money yourself.
Would I have your full support if I was joining Platinum Records?
Yes. But we both know you aren’t so why bother offering.