Page 17 of Forbidden Encore
My body deflates and the hope I had been holding onto seems to turn to smoke and blows away. I knew this was a long shot. I was hoping I could make it work if I laid my cards all out. Exhaling the breath I had been holding, I try and give her a smile, letting her know I’ll be okay. Somehow I always push through. “Thank you for listening to me, Ms. Rosen. I really hope to be part of your team.”
Before I break down in a puddle in the club’s office, I slip out the door. Her security is still there, arms crossed and minding his own business. I give him a small nod and rush from the club. The taxi is waiting for me. At least there are still some decent people in this world. I get in and direct him back to the hotel. Back to my prison. All I can do is wait and hope my fate can be changed.
Chapter Twelve
Present day
“Did you hear what happened at BNE records today?”
“No, what happened. Wait, are you going to tell us? Is this the news?”
“Ah it’s the biggest news of the day, boss!”
I turn the tv off in my room, unable to listen any longer. The news has officially broke, and I’m waiting for the fight that I know is coming. I’m eighteen. It's my birthday. And I signed with Rosen Records before my uncle or Mr. Townsend were even aware.
Mia had surprised me when she came through as quickly as she did. She didn’t play around. When I walked away from the club that day, I was shattered. I didn’t think I stood a chance. I became obsessive with listening to clips of all of Rise Above’s shows and looking for any mention of my name. I managed to make it through my own shows in New York when I got thenews. A clip was sent to me from Tabbi in New Zealand. Rise Above sang my song to their sold-out show and the crowd went crazy thinking they were just fans, but I knew. She had done it. And at 12:01 a.m. this morning, the email came through in my private inbox. I read it over, as fast as I could, like he had taught me, before signing my name and sending it back to her lawyer.
I was back at home in California for my birthday, which hadn’t surprised anyone. My uncle went out last night and probably got wasted, thinking he would have something to celebrate today. I knew he had a meeting this afternoon with BNE. But the announcement was already made public and my new agency was already trending with my name on social media. Just as Mia and her lawyer had planned.
Pacing around my room, my eyes fall on the bag I have packed and ready to go in case I need it. My uncle has never hurt me physically, but he yells, and with his paycheck being cut off, as part of my new contract, I have no idea how he will react.
Theo and Kyle are downstairs and ready to intervene if needed. Beth is outside my door and checks on me every couple of minutes. They’re all on edge.
“He’s home.” Beth pokes her head in, her eyes round with worry. “Are you sure you want to talk to him?”
I nod my head. “I won’t run scared.”
Her eyes dart around my room and fall on the manila envelope on my desk. “What was it that Kyle gave you last night? A gift?”
I want to laugh or cry, I’m not really sure which. Kyle had handed it to me without much to say and that was when I knew. When I pulled the papers out and saw Platinum Records on the top, I saw red. I sent Ezra’s uncle’s contract right through the shredder. After over a year without hearing from him and how he left me, he had the audacity to hand his uncle’s company’s contract offer to me through my bodyguard.
“No.” I shake my head, refusing to say more or less or to discuss it at all.
Beth is about to say something else when the door slams downstairs.
“Ocean! Where the fuck are you, you fucking bitch!” My uncle’s voice breaks to the point it sounds like he’s almost crying. I move to the door and Beth follows closely behind me.
I let my face relax, forcing indifference into my features. I’ve practiced this speech to myself over a hundred times this week, keeping to the points that the lawyer from Rosen Records insisted upon.
“I’m here,” I say, as I walk down the stairs. Theo is posted by the door and Kyle is watching with concern in his eyes from the kitchen. We all know how this is going to go. Kyle will be the only one who gets to leave with me.
“How can you explain this? You ungrateful little whore!” Uncle Cliff yells, stomping over to me. Kyle moves to come near, but I stop him.
“I’m a legal adult and I can make my own decisions,” I start with the rehearsed speech. “I chose Rosen Records because I want to work with them. I’ll be leaving first thing tomorrow.”
My uncle’s eyes bulge, his face turns beet red and sweat starts beading on top of his head. “You will do no such thing. I am your guardian. You have a commitment with BNE. You can’t leave.”
“I’m a legal adult. You aren’t my guardian anymore. My contract with BNE was fulfilled. I’m leaving first thing in the morning.” I repeat the mantra over and over again, willing myself to believe it. To feel it.
Uncle Cliff reaches out, his hand banding around my arm. “You listen here. You aren’t going anywhere. Go to your fucking room and later we’ll go to Booker and you can grovel and plead for him to take you back.” He ushers me to the stairs and I twist my body, throwing him off. The backhand slap across my facewas not something I expected or planned for. Theo and Kyle rush to intervene, which only works Uncle Cliff up more. Beth comes rushing downstairs with my bag and my wallet in her hands.
“You need to go now. Come on, baby girl.” She takes me gently; her arm wrapped around me and leads me to the door. Kyle is hot on our heels. I glance back and see Theo is restraining my uncle. He keeps yelling and screaming, cussing at me and telling me how ungrateful I am. A small twinge of sadness blooms in my chest then quickly fades. He made the choice to be my guardian when he didn’t have to. But he hasn’t acted as a responsible adult in my life ever since.
Kyle jumps in the driver’s seat and Beth tucks me gently in the back. “I already gave your pilot the heads up. Go to the air strip. Ms. Rosen is expecting you early at her hotel.”
“Beth.” I turn in her hold and wrap my arms around her. “I’m sorry.”