Page 6 of Frosted Hearts
I lose track of everything in this moment. Everything but us.
Nothing else will ever matter.
Holy smokes. Why did no one tell me that kissing sets your soul on fire? Or maybe it is just me? His hold on me is hard, firm, possessive even. He holds me to his body with his mouth taking over mine. His tongue slides against mine, both wet and hot. I have never allowed myself to be kissed before due to my... situation, but I can't imagine anything is better than this.
My hands slide through his hair, anchoring myself to him. Hell, I am damn near climbing him at this point. “I knew you would be sweet and spicy like a cinnamon fireball,” he groans against my lips. I try to find the words to answer him back, but I am transfixed, beleaguered, and dazed by the glow of light forming around us. It's not brilliant, mind you, but it is building in his beauty, like a fall snow globe.
“Oh God,” I whisper when his mouth trails down my neck. His tongue takes the path of his mouth, and my body begins to quake. It's a motion I am used to when I would get upset, and this urgent anger would push through me, but this, this is something else.
“You’re so warm and delicious. Your skin is like the sun.” He whispers against my ear as he continues licking and kissing my burning skin.
“I don’t think it’s just me, Frost.” His fingers pinch my nipples through my shirt, and I moan, throwing my head back before trying to fight this. “Something is happening and we…god, that feels so good. We should stop.” I try to get the words out of my mouth, but he stops the words with his tongue down my throat. I am feeling too much all at once, and it is causing my chest to tremble. I grip him harder from fear of passing out, but then he pulls back slightly.
“You think I am going to let you go now that I have had a sample,” he growls into my ear before unzipping my jacket. His hands move my coat aside, and with each touch, heat silences the cold inside of me. It’s unnerving and exciting. I can’t help wondering what we would create should I let him inside of me. The thought makes my panties wet and my clit throb. “Tell me I can have you, princess.” And poof, the word ‘princess’ brings me back to reality. Fog lifting, I detach myself from him and step back. The shock on his face would be comical if I wasn’t in so much pain. It's like the moment I stopped touching him, the cold reattaches to my body, and it feels like my body has to reset. It’s like having sharp nails raking over exposed nerves.
With my arms crossed over the front of my body, I bend slightly and try to catch my breath. The pain is almost excruciating. “I-I think you should go.” I manage to get out, still not able to stand up straight because the pain is unbearable.
I see him move closer to me; his hand outstretched. “Go? You want me to leave after we just-”
“Please, Frost. Leave.” Leave before I pass out. I am no longer looking at him because my concentration is on the floor. I am trying like crazy not to pass out from the pain; pissed he isn’t feeling it too.
“Fine. I will leave for now. For a moment, but I will return, and we will finish what we started.” The minute the door closes, the pain fades. Seriously, it disappears as if I conjured it in my mind. Standing up straight, I simply stand in one spot, unsure of what is happening, but I am also positive that I need answers and to be away from him. Frost brings something out in me, something foreign and something I have no idea how to navigate, and considering he is getting married, I don’t need whatever it is developing, further complicating my life.
With a plan in mind, I pull out the map I saw of Wintergreen the other day and search for where the most trees can be found. “Ha. Gotcha,” I say when I spot what looks like an abnormally tree-infested section of this forest. I plot the coordinates and grab all of my stuff. Not looking back, I walk right out the door and away from my heart.
I step outside of the cabin, my mind a total fog. The heated bliss I just felt rapidly cooling in the frigid air. Yet again, snow is falling. I walk back to the palace, but as soon as I get there, I remember that she was planning on leaving,, and I don’t know if she changed her mind. Turning around, I run back to the cabin and immediately know she’s not there.
I yell in frustration. Opening the door, a gust of wind almost knocks me down, but I brace myself.
“Elise?” I shout when I see a figure walking in the snow.
“Hush that bellowing, my prince,” a voice, definitely not Elise’s says.
“Who’s there?” I ask, wondering if my father followed through with his threat of bodyguards. I don’t need them on palace grounds, but he may want to keep an eye on me.
“Magatha,” the voice replies as it climbs onto to porch steps. Magatha? The village crone. Or witch. Whatever you want to call her, she really is just a kind old lady who dabbles in magic.
“I came out in the snow because you need to know what it is that I know.” I reach for her arm in order to help her, forgetting that I can’t touch anyone. She shakes me off of her. “You’re freezing my arm, Your Highness.” I drop my hand immediately.
“Why do I do this? Do you know?”
“I know everything.”
“Please come in. Tell me.”
She comes in and sits down on the sofa. I get the fire going for her.
“Sit and listen to the tale I weave. What do you know of the years following our independence from Britain?”