Page 36 of The Fool
“Are you going to let me go, Nathaniel?”
“No,” he whispers, to which I answer him with a furrowed brow, effectively snapping him out of his staring at me. “I mean…yes, of course.”
“May I walk you back to your apartment?” he asks politely, releasing me from his arm cage and finally stepping back.
“Probably best you don’t,” I tell him honestly before wincing over what I’m about to say. “My brother will either be engaged in bumping uglies with Leah, which is highly embarrassing, or he’ll want to kick your ass. I’m pretty sure you could take each other but there’s no way you can take on Leah - she’s feisty.”
We both laugh, then stand still in silence, right up until it becomes awkward.
“Why did you let me dance with you like that?” he asks out of the blue. “I didn’t make you feel forced into it, did I?”
“No,” I whisper, scratching at my arm through embarrassment for admitting such a thing.
“Good, I’m glad,” he says. “Then why?”
“I suppose…” I can feel myself blushing while struggling to articulate myself.
“You wanted to?” he asks, and when I look at him, he grins at the answer my expression is obviously giving away. He steps closer again, which has me feeling incredibly nervous, but maybe in a good way. His hand slowly reaches up and pushes a stray strand of hair behind my ear before he leans in further, to the point where our lips are so close, we’re going to end up kissing.
“What are you doing, Nathaniel?” I murmur, trying to catch my breath.Bea, don’t fall for an asshole just because he has a hot bod and is giving you seductive eyes. “I, er, think I should get going.”
He remains fixed, letting his thumb drop down to my bottom lip, tracing it along my skin ever so gently. He looks conflicted, as if locked in his own silent battle.
“I really want to…” He sighs, still tracing my lip. “Let me kiss you, Bea,” he whispers. I silently curse myself for wanting him to; I even close my eyes, readying myself to do something I haven’t done in years. But then sense prevails and I force myself to step away.
“I can’t,” I reply, and he frowns before dropping his arms to the side and stepping back. “I think I need to get back before we complicate this even further. I…I have to go.”
“Wait, Bea?” he calls out as I begin stepping away from him. “Iwillsee you tomorrow, won’t I? At work?” I smile sheepishly but then nod my confirmation. “Goodbye, Bea, enjoy your Sunday,” he says, sounding professional again.
“You too,” I reply before getting my ass out of there.
“So, she knocked you back?” Cam laughs with far too much enthusiasm. “I knew I liked her!”
After meeting with Bea, I came over to catch Lily and Cam before they go on their honeymoon. Actually, I suppose they already had their honeymoon, so it is essentially just a run-of-the-mill vacation. I still haven’t given him shit for that, but it will have to wait; I’m not in the mood to put in my best work. Besides, I might wait until we’re all around my parents’ place so I can wind Mom and Dad up about it too. It’s not often Cam’s the guilty party so I need to make the most of this one.
Anyway, I’m now sitting on their couch with him while Lily runs around packing everything for their honeymoon. I give it about ten minutes before she snaps at him to get up and help. Either that or I’ll be given my marching orders while he picks her up and has his wicked way with her on the living room floor. I know they’ve done it on virtually every surface in this house, lucky bastard.
“I have to ask, Nate,” Lily chimes in, “what did you expect? You’ve been horrible to her.”
“Gee, thanks, Lils,” I huff, “I’m so glad I can come to family for sympathy and support.”
“You have my full support,” she says before kissing me on the head. “But as for my sympathy? Well, I’m afraid you kind of brought this on yourself.”
“Plus, is it really a good idea to enter into a relationship with your PA?” Cam asks, being the top boss and all.
“Remember Jill?” I remind him.
“Who’s Jill?” Lily instantly freezes in her packing and looks up with her hands on her hips.
“Oh, that was just fucking,” he says nonchalantly, “and way before I met you, baby.”
“Technically it wasn’t,” I point out, “seeing as you guys met when Lily was still at school.”
“You know what I mean,” he replies casually.