Page 15 of Chase
“Dad’s already snoring and I’m turning in now,” she says, looking pointedly at Theo, to which he blushes. “See you guys in the morning.”
“So, can I borrow a shirt? Preferably clean,” I tease.
“Damn, you’re fussy,” he retorts, smirking as he gets up to grab one from his chest of drawers. It’s a black V-neck that looks huge enough to cover me nicely. “I may also have a spare toothbrush if you’re lucky.”
He saunters into his bathroom to look for the toothbrush while I change. The hem reaches my mid-thigh, whereas the rest just looks baggy.
“Suits you,” he says, making me jump, to which he laughs. “You’re always on edge, Iz.”
I purposefully bump past him on my way to the bathroom, making him chuckle over my playfulness. Or am I flirting? I have no idea; I’ve never done this sort of thing with a guy before. I brush my teeth and see him watching me through the mirror. He scans me up and down until our eyes meet for a few brief heated moments, and then he offers me a smile. A smile that tells even me, he’s flirting. I spit, then wipe my face with a towel, not sure how to proceed. I’m fifteen; he’s seventeen, almost a man. He’s had sex with two people, and I’ve only just had my first kiss. Though, more than any of that is the fact that he’s leaving. My heart is already going to break, this will only make it hurt all the more.
“What are you thinking, Twiglet?” he asks, obviously sensing my anxiety. “Are you scared of me?”
“No, don’t be stupid, Theo,” I lie.
“I don’t ever want you to be worried about me, Izzy, I’m your best friend,” he says, clutching hold of both my hands. His skin is warm and causes the sensation of electricity to buzz through me. I’m embarrassed to say, I also feel a throb of desire between my legs and I’m not sure how to react.
“Theo?” I ask, and he looks at me intensely, as if waiting with bated breath over what I’m about to say. “Am I really fat and ugly?”
He doesn’t answer me, just keeps looking at me with confusion and with the same intensity. After a moment or two, he pulls me gently into him and places his lips over mine. He molds his body against me, and our curves fit perfectly together like a jigsaw puzzle. He picks up my hands and wraps them around his neck before pushing his tongue between my lips, then lays his hands gently on my lower back. We massage our tongues gently together and when I moan, I feel his hardness pressing against my stomach again. This time, I’m not shocked, but I still giggle, which only causes him to laugh with me.
“Sorry, that’s just weird. Can’t you control it?” I ask, still with my hands around his neck.
“Unfortunately, not all the time, especially when I’m around you,” he whispers. “So, to answer your earlier question, no, I don’t think you’re fat and ugly. I think you are the most funny, beautiful, sexy girl I have ever met.”
“I have to say, I have never been more thankful to be a girl right now,” I whisper, biting my lip to stifle my smile.
“Is that all you have to say after I basically confessed how much I’m attracted to you?”
He shakes his head laughing, so I lean against his chest to hide my embarrassment. However, after but a short moment, he uses his index finger to lift my chin so he can kiss me again.
“Stay in here…with me,” he says.
“Er, I don’t know… I mean… I…” I fluster, suddenly scared to death of what he’s suggesting.
“Relax, Twiglet,” he says softly, “I only mean to sleep in the same bed as me. I know I can’t have you in that way, but I want to hold you tight against me. I want to make you feel wanted, beautiful, and loved.”
“What about your mum and dad?” I whisper, even though I already know I’m going to agree to what I so desperately want.
“Are out like a light. Besides, I’ll sneak out before they wake. You can stay here, and I’ll take the guest room,” he says before leading me over to his bed.
He climbs under the covers and holds them open for me to join him. He’s wearing sweatpants and a tank top, and I’m wearing my knickers and a long t-shirt; we’re covered, so I guess we’re not doing anything wrong. Without any further encouragement, I get inside and cuddle into him. We kiss on the lips once more before he holds me around my waist, all the while peppering the back of my head with little kisses. He feels warm, strong, and protective; I could stay here forever.
“Goodnight, Theo,” I whisper.
“Goodnight, Twiglet.”
Chapter 6
I stir from sleep, wrapped around a firm warm body.
“Theo!” someone whispers with urgency. “Theo!”
“What?” I mumble, wishing whoever it is, would get lost. I’ve never slept so well, and I really don’t want to get up.