Page 13 of Ash
He was looking at his phone, and I assumed that was what had distracted him enough to bump into us. I was openly staring. Gawking at him was more accurate, and his sister was smirking knowingly at me. I felt like a clumsy fool, and even though it wasn’t really my fault, in fact, it was his, I couldn’t stop myself from apologising yet again.
“Sorry… I’m sorry,” I stuttered.
So much for being more assertive and less apologetic, I inwardly chastised myself.
His eyes turned slowly in my direction. Oh my! I gulped hard and felt my face flush with embarrassment. My body heated, and my heart raced as I looked into the most beautiful yet cold eyes I’d ever seen.
I saw his sister grin before I took to my heels and ran off towards the kitchen. Gosh, I needed air and a safe place to hide for a few minutes before I said or did anything that would make me look like even more of a fool. Which would not be unusual for me when faced with someone hot and male. Not that I had ever seen anyone hotter than him.
Aargh! Had I really thought this was going to be fun? Had I honestly thought it would be easy and my clumsiness was over? I was such an idiot!
My phone buzzed in my pocket as I headed towards Sonia and Romi. I checked it. There was a text from one of our guys, Sergei. He texted me earlier to say that one of his street dealers was missing. So, I knew I needed to read it.
Although we had cut down on the types of drugs we sold, we still made our own Molly, otherwise known as ecstasy, and cut the cocaine we brought into the UK in our lab. We then sold the pills and powder to our dealers. We had several top-level dealers who sold our stuff to the more affluent clients, as well as numerous street dealers. Sergei was our go-between.
He managed the whole dealing side of things, keeping the dealers in line and ensuring everything operated as it should. He also enabled our family’s connection to the drugs we distributed to be kept to a minimum, thus keeping us away from all police scrutiny.
This was him confirming that the guy had been found dead, his stash and cash gone. Shit, I couldn’t believe this.
I was so distracted I bumped into someone.
“I’m so sorry; let me get you something to dry off with,” a female voice said.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. It wasn’t your fault. In fact, it was my brother’s,” my sister replied.
I glanced at her to see her looking pointedly at me as she dried her hands off. Oops!
“Sorry, malen’koye nebo,” I said and leaned down to kiss her on the cheek.
I sent a quick text back to Sergei, saying I’d call him back soon.
“Sorry… I’m sorry,” a female stuttered.
I looked up just in time to see a waitress stalking off towards the kitchen, her long blond ponytail swinging.Cute ass, I thought before turning around to my brother Miki who had just joined us.
“Miki, we’ve had another situation.”
Miki’s eyes turn hard along with his expression.
“We need to talk with Glowacki as soon as possible.”
He nodded.
“I’ll arrange it. You wait here until Romi gets back. Then get Marko and come meet me in the office,” he said before leaving.
“Where is Romi?” I asked, looking around.
“I’m here,” Romi answered, coming up behind us.
“There’s been another incident. I’ll catch you up later. Stay with Sonia,” I told him.
As I walked away, I smirked when I saw him being unceremoniously dragged towards the dance floor by my dance-loving sister, knowing he would be kept there for quite some time if she had her way.