Page 23 of Ash
“Shit, need to go,” I said, quickly jumping off her.
I pulled her up off the ground, reached back into the kitchen, and grabbed some paper towels. I thrust several into her hands and ran off towards the back courtyard, quickly cleaning myself up the best I could.
“Hi, Juana. Hi, Sean,” I said as I greeted them both. “Sorry, I got held up,” I apologised, feeling guilty for keeping them waiting.
“What have you got for us?” I asked her.
They both looked at me a bit oddly but said nothing. Neither did I. I was no doubt still covered in cream, but I wasn’t going to explain why.
“Not much yet regarding what the plan is, but I can confirm that the Malia Boys and the Broxy’s have indeed formed an alliance.”
“I knew it! Those assholes!” I shouted.
“There is a big meeting on Tuesday night. I’m not sure where yet, but I know I am going to find out because I will be there. I’ve been told to’act as a hostess!’Siri wants me to serve drinks and ensure that there are at least a dozen of our hottest girls there to entertain his guests. The bloody bastard. He knows I hate that sort of thing, especially after what happened with Jadwa. Fucker!” she ranted.
“He isn’t planning on passing you on to someone like he did her, is he?” Sean asked angrily.
I noticed the way he was looking at her and thought that he and Juana might have a thing.
“Nah, he can’t afford to lose me. I’m too useful now and know too much. Made sure of it! He wouldn’t want my loyalties to be divided,” she said, and I saw her brush his hand with her own.
Yeah, they definitely had a thing going on. That could end up being a problem. If anyone discovered it, one or both were liable to be killed. I didn’t want to see that happen to either of them. Perhaps dealing with Siri and his Malia Boys sooner rather than later would be best for everyone.
“So are the Broxy’s the only guests?” I asked.
“Not quite sure, but I expect so. I don’t think anyone else is involved in this alliance. Also, both seem to want to keep the whole thing a secret, so I doubt there will be anyone else there except us girls. However, if I find out otherwise, you guys will be the first to know.”
I nodded.
“Anything on Jadwa?” she asked, and I could see the hope mixed with despair as she looked me in the eye.
“Sorry, sweetheart, nothing yet. But our guys are still working on it and will keep doing so until we find her,” I promised.
“What if she is dead?” she whispered.
“If she is, we will kill the bloody politician and any other person who may have harmed her,” I swore, hugging her.
She nodded and smiled sadly.
“I know you will.”
“Don’t give up hope, Juana,” I said.
“Jadwa needs you to have faith that we will find her, and we will,” I told her.
She nodded again and squared her shoulders.
“I’ll see what I can find out at the meeting and let you know as soon as I get the chance,” she stated before giving us both a quick hug and running off.
“You really think we will find Jadwa alive?” Sean asked.
“I think if she were dead, we would have heard by now. Someone would have talked to one of our guys in Somalia. The fact that nobody has, means they are still scared of possible repercussions from the politician and his friends, and that would suggest to me that she is indeed still alive. Nevertheless, whether she is or not, like I said to Juana, we will keep pushing with this until we find out, one way or another, and then we will make the politician pay. Bastard deserves to die, and he will sooner or later,” I vowed.
“Let me know if you hear anything else,” I told Sean, clapping him on the back before we parted ways.
I checked my watch. It was two a.m., and likely the hot waitress would have gone home already. Pity, I could have offered to help her clean off more of that cream from her body. My mind started wandering, thinking of all the ways I could lick her clean, and I felt myself getting hard again. Geez, I definitely needed to get laid. Maybe I would just check the kitchen, just in case.
I headed down the side alley towards the kitchen and noticed the mess had gone. The door was still open, but the kitchen was definitely empty this time. Heck, getting Little Miss Hot Mess’s number now would be difficult. However, I was a resourceful guy, and when I wanted something… it happened.