Page 30 of Ash
Meanwhile, I was enjoying feeling competent again. The last few days had given me a badly needed confidence boost, and while I had a long way to go, I felt pleased with the progress I had made.
Gina had left earlier to head to a family event, so it was just myself and the other bartender, Thomas, who remained to finish up.
Thomas cashed up because he was meeting his girlfriend at a local club and planned on dropping off the night’s takings in the bank’s overnight deposit on the way. We had already agreed that I would close things up by myself, so I locked the front door after him and hit the button on the shutters at the front, leaving just the back door open.
I spent the next half hour or so finishing the cleaning. After that, I replaced the kegs of beer in the basement, as they were running low. They were heavy, but luckily, we stored them near the systems so we could shuffle them along the ground and get them close enough to replace them without too much trouble. One of the couplers was a bit stiff and difficult to turn, but I managed to get it off and then attached the new keg without any sort of accident. Yay for me!
Immensely pleased with myself, I headed back upstairs. It was nearly one in the morning, and I was tired and glad that Marcie had let me borrow one of her vans to drive while she was away. My feet were killing me, so I was looking forward to getting home to bed. I just needed to wash the kitchen floor and take the rubbish out first.
My mind naturally flashed back to last Saturday night and rolling around in the trash with a sexy man on top, but I slammed those thoughts right back down where they’d come from, determined to forget all about him.
I put on some music to keep me distracted while I worked. I sang along as usual and messed around with the mop, pretending it was a microphone. Charlie Puth came on, and I ran around using an apron as a cape while I laughed and sang, “Superman’s got nothing on me!” and pretended to fly.
Eventually, I was done. I set the alarm, turned off the lights, and closed the back door. I double-checked it was locked and then dumped the bag of rubbish in the bin before turning to head out of the alley towards where I’d parked the van in the street.
Although it was the end of June, there was a chill in the air and a slight drizzle, so I zipped up my black hoodie and pulled up the hood.
I rummaged in my bag for the van keys, dropping my phone in the process. I crouched down to get it just as a black SUV with tinted windows came screeching into the alley in front of me. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, and I felt danger. I stayed crouched low and shuffled myself back to hide behind the largest of the bins.
Peering out, I watched as two black guys got out of the SUV. One of them opened the door of the building on the other side of the alley. I wasn’t quite sure what that building was used for; I thought it was vacant. It certainly looked like it.
I watched as the men reached into the back of the SUV and pulled another guy out. He looked unconscious as they half dragged, half carried him inside. Then, the SUV quickly backed out of the alley and headed off down the road.
I huffed out a breath I hadn’t even realised I’d been holding. That did not look good. I should probably call the police. But what if I was wrong and all I’d seen were simply two guys helping their drunk friend home after a hard night of drinking? Hmm, while that might be the case, I wasn’t convinced.
I yawned. I was tired. I supposed I could just go home and forget about it. No, I dismissed that thought as soon as it emerged. If something bad was happening, I couldn’t simply ignore it. I might not be very confident, but I wasn’t a complete coward. I wouldn’t let something awful happen and not do anything about it. Yet, I would look foolish if I called the police and it was nothing. Besides, I didn’t want to waste their time.
I bit my lip as I looked at the building.You could just check things out, my inner devil said. I huffed, but she was right. I could sneak over and find out what was happening before I decided what to do. I shifted on my feet, unable to decide what to do.
Finally, I let my curiosity get the better of me, crossed the lane, and crept over to the door I’d seen the men enter. I noticed that it hadn’t been closed properly and was ajar. I stood very still, not even daring to breathe as I listened for any sounds from inside. I couldn’t hear anything at first, but then I heard some talking and what sounded like a smack and a grunt.
I bit my lip again and grimaced. I was sure that sounded like someone was in pain. I strained to hear more. The sounds that emerged made me gasp. Somebody was being beaten up. Shit!
I noticed a small, barred window near the bottom of the wall a few feet away. There was light coming from it. It looked like a basement.
I knew I needed to call the police, but instead, I felt myself move towards the window. I stopped at the side and crouched down. Keeping my body out of the way, I peeked inside.
Years’ worth of grime covered the window, but a small area was clean enough for me to see inside. The room was small and sparse, with a desk and chair in one corner. Faded wallpaper hung partly off the wall. A single bulb gave the room a dull glow. The place looked like it hadn’t been used in a long time. Well, until now.
I moved my head so I could get a better look. A mainly naked man was tied with his hands above his head to what looked like a hook hanging from the ceiling a few feet to the left of the light. A closed door was on the right. The two black guys were standing in front of it.
One of the men said something to their captive and then hit him. I quickly scooted back from the window and pressed my hands over my mouth to stop crying out at the sound of flesh meeting flesh.
I took a steadying breath, then forced myself to look again as the sounds continued. The bigger of the two guys hit him in the face again, and his head drooped.
I couldn’t help feeling sympathy for the guy whose face was already bloody and swollen. I peered hard at him. Something about him seemed familiar as if I should know him, but I didn’t know why.I was caught up in my thoughts and must have missed them asking him something.
“Answer the question, you fucking Russian,” the smaller guy shouted.
Their captive dragged his head up and spat out some blood. Then he laughed. He actually laughed and said, “You guys are going to pay for this!”
I froze. No, it couldn’t be!
But it was. The men had called him Russian, and even though his words were slurred due to his swollen mouth, I would recognise the sound of that voice anywhere.
We’ve got to help him,my inner devil shouted at me, and for once, our thoughts were in alignment.