Page 59 of Ash
As he walked towards where I was sitting on the couch, I couldn’t miss the air of authority in his confident swagger. Oh, yes, this was a man used to being in charge and a very attractive man indeed. All the brothers and Romi were attractive. Still, to me, Ash was the most handsome of them all.
He stopped before me and smiled. What a smile! If I hadn’t been so enamoured with Ash, I would very much have developed a sudden crush on Miki just from that smile alone. Of course, Ash had all of the same qualities as his brother, and his smile hadn’t just given me a crush on its owner but a full-blown obsession. My core was dampened at the thought of that obsession. Oh, my. I squirmed, feeling suddenly very hot.
Thankfully, Miki didn’t seem to notice that I was a bit uncomfortable.
He thanked me again for saving Ash, telling me how glad he was that I’d come into Ash’s life because Ash was so much happier with me around than he had been in the last couple of years.”
“You seem to be good for him, Gracie,” he said, smiling.
I smiled back, but I found his words strange. I didn’t know Ash well yet, but apart from initially seeming like a jerk—I couldn’t believe he’d ever seemed that way to me—he had always been flirty and smiled at me. I hadn’t seen him unhappy. I guessed he must have been, though, because both Sonia and now Miki had commented on it.
I couldn’t help wondering what had made him that way. I also couldn’t help feeling a little thrilled that I seemed to have helped. I wasn’t sure how I had helped, but I was glad I had, and I hoped I could continue to help him in the future. Oh, I can think of lots of ways you can help Ash in the future! My inner devil purred.
I bit my bottom lip to stop the smirk that threatened me as I thought about making out with him in his office earlier. I glanced at the desk, and I felt my cheeks heating as images of all the things I would dearly love Ash to do to me on that desk flashed through my mind.
You go, girl! My inner devil shouted in glee, my thoughts pleasing her greatly.
Thinking of Ash made me realise how much I was looking forward to his return. I hoped his meeting didn’t take long because I was looking forward to another make-out session this evening and whatever else it might lead to.
Oh my! I felt my temperature rise further at these naughty thoughts.
Miki had been rummaging around in the top drawer of a filing cabinet while I’d been deep in thought, and I was startled when he asked, “You all right, Gracie?”
I dragged my eyes from the desk and looked at him.
“You look deep in thought. And a bit red,” Miki said, raising an eyebrow, and I could hear the smirk in his voice.
“I’m fine, yes! And hot. Just hot. It’s hot in here,” I said, clearing my throat.
Shit, I was rambling and could feel myself reddening further in embarrassment at being caught in my dirty thoughts.
I fanned myself with my book to try to dispel the heat from my face.
He looked at me intently, glanced at the desk, and grinned. I hadn’t known the guy long, but I already knew that Miki didn’t miss anything, and I had an idea that he knew exactly where my thoughts had been.
To his credit, he didn’t say anything and, after a quick goodbye, he left to go to a meeting of his own.
As soon as he was out of the door, I hid my face and cringed. Geez!
It could be worse; at least he didn’t catch you and Ash doing anything. Yet! My inner devil said.
I groaned at the idea. It was bad enough that Miki might have realised I’d been thinking dirty thoughts. I didn’t think I could survive the embarrassment of being caught in the act with Ash by Miki, or anyone else, for that matter. I made a mental note to ensure the door was locked the next time Ash and I were making out.
As the embarrassment finally eased, I settled back down to finish reading the last few pages of my book. It didn’t take long, and when I finished, I was feeling restless. I needed to do something to keep my mind off one sexy Russian, and suddenly, I had the urge to write.
I took a pen and blank notepad from the desk and started jotting down some ideas. It seemed that the events of the past week were inspiring me to create my own story at last, and soon, I had the plan set for my very first book. I felt incredibly pleased with myself. I looked at the plan and thought that I finally had a story worth telling.
While I was so inspired, I grabbed my laptop and headed to the library. I set myself up a little writing corner and got to work.
It was going to be a mafia romance, obviously, as that was what I loved to read and what I always wanted to write anyway. I had the basic concept for a story already in my head but hadn’t been able to write it until now. This week had certainly given me plenty of material to work with.
I wrote for a couple of hours and got the story synopsis done, the character synopsis for the main characters, and even the first chapter written as well. I was so pleased with how much I had achieved. I was finally writing my own book! I felt elated and couldn’t wait to tell Claire and Marcie when they got home. They’d be so proud of me.
This time last week, I was a somewhat shy and pathetic person just getting over being sacked, a disastrous waitressing gig, and a messy kiss from a sexy Russian stranger I didn’t expect to ever see again. This week, I was a sassy badass with a sexy Russian boyfriend on my way to achieving my dreams!
I headed to dinner feeling like I was walking on clouds.